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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 人文地理与城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-05-11 21:17:35  

摘 要





The construction of the new socialist countryside is put forward in China's economic and social development to a certain stage, the accelerated development of industrialization and urbanization, the widening gap between urban and rural areas. China as a large agricultural country, rural population accounted for half of the country's population, the implementation of any policy are not open around the farmers this big collective, thus speeding up the building of a new socialist countryside is an important measure to ensure the smooth development of China's economy.

The from the new rural construction background, purpose and significance of then, simply introduce the research status of the new rural construction at home and abroad, and summarize general rules by contrast, then cuts to the theme introduces the situation of Nanyang City, Henan Province, the new rural development, found its advantages and merits and puts forward the suggestions for improvement. Then for the specific example of the construction of Cao Ying Village to make a detailed introduction, and through the comparison with the old village of Cao Ying found the difference between the old and the two villages in the planning function. Finally, according to the analysis of the full text, summed up the general principles of the construction of new rural areas in Henan province.

Key Words:Construction of New Countryside;Experience of home and abroad;Henan Province;Problems and Countermeasures;


第一章 绪论 1

1. 1研究背景 1

1.2目的和意义 1

第二章 新农村建设理论基础 2

2.1基本概念阐述 2

2.1.1新农村建设的内涵 2

2.2国外研究经验 2

2.2.1韩国新农村运动的经验 2

2.2.2日本农村建设的主要措施 3

2.2.3欧盟农村建设的主要措施 3

2.3国内新农村建设经验 4

2.3.1江西省赣州市新农村建设的主要做法 4

2.3.2四川泸州市新农村建设的主要做法 5

2.4国内外研究现状分析 6

第三章 南阳市新农村建设研究 7

3.1 南阳市经济发展的总体特征 7

3.1.1南阳市概况 7

3.1.2南阳市经济发展的现状 7

3.2南阳市新农村建设现状 8

3.2.1农村面貌迅速变化 8

3.2.2生活质量的提高 8

3.2.3中心村地位突出 8

3.2.4农民参与热情高涨 8

3.3南阳市新农村建设存在的问题 9

3.3.1农民增收后劲不足 9

3.3.2劳动力转移水平不高 9

3.3.3农村医疗卫生基础薄弱 9

3.3.4农村社会养老举步维艰 10

3.3.5灌溉设施不完备 10

3.3.6部分新农村建设变质 10

3.4加快南阳市新农村建设的思考及建议 10

3.4.1以农民增收为核心 11

3.4.2加强农村基础设施建设 14

3.4.3解决好教育、医疗等社会保障问题 11

第四章 南阳市曹营新村建设现状分析 13

4.1曹营新村的建设 13

4.1.1 街巷景观 14

4.1.2基础设施 14

4.1.3村庄道路 15

4.1.4村庄配套公共设施 15

4.1.5垃圾处理 15

4.1.6农田灌溉设施 16

4.2曹营新村与旧村的对比分析 16

4.2.1区位分析 16

4.2.2村容村貌对比 16

4.2.3功能分析 17

第五章 结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第一章 绪论

  1. 1研究背景



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