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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 人文地理与城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-03-21 00:59:22  

摘 要






The term sustainable development was first proposed by the United Nations in 1987, "Our Common Future" and quickly accepted by the rest of the world as economic globalization arrives.The urbanization of China has gradually accelerated, the scale of city is getting bigger and bigger, to the entire Chinese environment has brought great pressure.The northwest region as China's land desertification of the most serious areas, its urban sustainability evaluation has important research significance.

In this paper, the multi-index comprehensive evaluation method is used to study the sustainability evaluation of Zhangye City in Gansu Province,The sustainable development of the comprehensive evaluation index as the final evaluation index, the economic development, social development, quality of life and resources and environment into 22 basic indicators,The paper analyzes the sustainability of Zhangye City by collecting the development data of Zhangye City in the past 20 years.On the basis of the research of Zhangye City, the sustainability of the counties in Zhangye City was evaluated by the same research method. Finally, the results showed that:(1) the overall sustainability of Zhangye City in the past 20 years has been greatly improved, the overall sustainability assessment from -0.052 in 1996 rose to 0.578 in 2015, of which the economic development index rose from 0.040 to 0.783, Social development index rose from 0.139 to 0.614, the quality of life index rose from 0.004 to 0.971, resource and environment index rose from -0.220 to 0.336;(2) The counties of Zhangye City maintained the same development trend as Zhangye City. Among them, the sustainability rating of Ganzhou District, Zhangye City Administration Center increased from -0.050 to 0.590, and the rating of Shandan County increased from -0.013 to 0.537, The score rose from -0.062 to 0.677, Linze County score rose from -0.056 to 0.582, Gaotai County score rose from -0.058 to 0.611, Sunan Yugu Autonomous County (hereinafter referred to as Sunan County) rating rose from -0.065 to 0.670;(3) Zhangye City, the sustainability rating of the counties in 20 years have a greater change,In 1996, the counties ranked by high to low rankings in order to Shandan County, Ganzhou District, Linze County, Gaotai County, Minle County, Sunan County; 2005 counties ranked in turn ranked Ganzhou District, Minle County, Shandan County, Sunan County, Linze County, Gaotai County; 2015 counties ranked the rankings for the Minle County, Sunan County, Gaotai County, Ganzhou District, Linze County, Shandan County.

In this paper, the number of indicators is still insufficient compared with other scholars' research system in the sustainable development of the city, but the research results are still useful for other desert oasis cities.

Key Word: Zhangye City; Sustainability evaluation; Analytic hierarchy process; Standard deviation weight method; Multi - index comprehensive evaluation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究进展 1

1.2.1 国外研究进展 1

1.2.2 国内研究进展 2

第2章 可持续性评价体系构建 4

2.1 张掖市概况 4

2.2 研究内容、方法、技术路线 5

2.2.1 研究内容 5

2.2.2 研究方法 5

2.2.3 技术路线 6

2.3 构建可持续性评价体系 6

2.3.1可持续性评价体系分析 6

2.3.2 张掖市可持续性评价的指标体系 7

2.4 指标体系各层次权重的研究方法 8

2.4.1 准则层权重的研究方法 8

2.4.2 指标层权重的研究方法 9

第3章 张掖市可持续性评价 11

3.1 张掖市可持续性评价体系权重的确定 11

3.1.1 评价体系准则层权重的确定 11

3.1.2 评价体系目标层权重的确定 12

3.2 基于评价体系的指标评价 15

3.2.1 张掖市可持续性评价赋分 15

3.2.2 张掖市可持续性评价结果分析 16

3.3 评价结果的原因分析 18

第4章 张掖市各区、县的可持续性评价 19

4.1 各区、县可持续性评价赋分 19

4.2 张掖市可持续性评价结果分析 20

4.2.1 评价结果的时间分析 20

4.2.2 评价结果的空间分析 22

第5章 结论与展望 25

5.1 主要结论 25

5.2 不足与展望 26

参考文献 27

附录A 29

附录B 33

附录C 37

附录D 41

附录E 45

附录F 49

附录G 53

致 谢 57


1.1 研究背景及意义




1.2 国内外研究进展

1.2.1 国外研究进展

对于城市的可持续性评价,国外学者多采用指标评判的方法,用城市可持续指标来评价这一过程。城市可持续指标是表示城市社会、经济、生态可长久发展的根本要素和可持续发展的标尺[3]。国外学者首先考虑了指标设计的原则来区别于一般的经济指标[4]。布罗特(1994)指出在设定城市可持续性评价指标的时候需要注意以下三项原则:① 数字化,即指标的确定需要易于分析、比较及预测并且方便测度[5];② 科学性,指标的设定需要客观的描述评价城市的真实情况;③ 层次性,指标的设定应按照专家、管理、公众三方面分层,同时三层按顺序其表达及信息量应越来越准确具体。麦克拉伦(1996)提出设定指标应注意以下几项原则:① 综合性,可持续性评价指标应综合经济、社会、生态等各指标之间的关联性;② 前瞻性,以资源、经济、社会等指标连续若干年数据之间的关系来预测未来的发展态势;③ 分布性,应考虑一定的人口规模或地理空间各要素之间的分布来体现不同空间要素相互之间的关系;④ 广泛性,评价时应让各所涉及的集体参与以保证其评价的公平合理[6]

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