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 2021-10-25 21:29:45  

摘 要

可变光衰减器,顾名思义,就是对输入光的功率进行衰减的器件。由于可以配合掺铒光纤放大器,实现对光功率的均衡增益,因此在波分复用网络中,可变光衰减器有着重要的作用。自上个世纪90年代以来,由于光纤通信的发展,光衰减器的发展速度逐渐加快并于2009年左右进入稳定期。目前,在实际应用中,使用较为广泛的光衰减器包括基于反射原理的MEMS光衰减器以及基于折射遮挡原理的滤光片光衰减器;而在研究上,国内较为热门的有基于等离子散射效应的绝缘体上硅(SOI)光衰减器,国外则集中在基于光纤制作的光衰减器和基于调控消逝波(evanscent field)的光衰减器。





As indicated by its name, variable optical attenuator(VOA), is the device that is capable of attenuating the power of input light. Due to its ability to achieve balanced gain of light power when cooperating with EDFA,great importance has been attached to VOA, in WDM peculiarly. Since 1990s, on account of the booming of fiber communication, VOA has been developing at an alarming rate and has plateaued since 2009. Recently, the most widely used VOA in application include MEMS VOA based on reflecting torsion mirror and filter VOA based on absorbing and blocking. When it comes to the research, the most focused topic interiorly includes EA-type SOI VOA based on plasma diffusion while exteriorly most attention is paid to VOA based on fiber and controlling evanescent field.

Whereas, all VOA have two ineluctable feature: attenuation instability and attenuation non-linearity. The purpose of the research is to contain the influence of the two features mentioned above and achieve stable and precise attenuation. By referring to the 13 fold lines in PCM,a fitting algorithm using polyline has been devised to fit the attenuation characteristic of VOA under the circumstances of different input wavelength by using multiple lines and putting them together. Then, anticipated attenuation is applied as indirect control while the direct control voltage is applied to VOA as an intermediate variable attained by looking up tables and calculating.

With the help of fitting algorithm, the difference between anticipated attenuation and actual attenuation can be contained within 0.15dB and good accuracy and linearity can be achieved. On the other hand, the changes in attenuation caused by variation of wavelength can be hold within 0.2 dB when wavelength is varying from 1310nm to 1550nm.

Key Words:VOA;linearity;stability;fitting algorithm;polyline


第1章 绪论 1

1.1前言 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1基于MEMS的VOA 1

1.2.2基于SOI的VOA 3

1.2.3基于滤光片的VOA 4

1.2.4其他VOA 5

1.3可变光衰减器的发展历程 7

1.4论文研究内容与结构 8

第2章 光衰减器的拟合与校准 9

2.1光衰减器自身的特点 9

2.2对光衰减器的校准 10

2.3光衰减器的拟合 13

第3章 拟合算法的设计与选择 15

3.1使用的光衰减器及其特性 15

3.2拟合算法的种类以及选择 16

3.3多项式拟合 17

3.4线性拟合 20

3.5线性分段拟合软件设计 22

3.6查表计算的软件设计 24

第4章 拟合结果 25

4.1拟合评判方法 25

4.2使用多项式拟合的效果 25

4.3使用多段折线拟合的效果 29

第5章 总结 34

参考文献 35

附录 35

致谢 41

第1章 绪论





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