Pluronic F127水凝胶电性能研究任务书
2020-05-05 20:16:19
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
内容:制备pluronic f127水凝胶,并研究其电化学性能及在锌离子电池应用的可能。
要求:1. 严格遵守实验室各种规章制度。2.每周至少工作40小时。3.完成实验预期设想。
2. 参考文献
1.j. zhao, k.k. sonigara, j. li, j. zhang, b. chen, j. zhang, s.s. soni, x. zhou, g. cui, l. chen, a smart flexible zinc battery with cooling recovery ability, angew. chem. int. ed. 56 (2017) 7871-7875.
2.g. fang, j. zhou, a. pan, s. liang, recent advances in aqueous zinc-ion batteries, acs energy letters 3 (2018) 2480-2501.
3.h. li, c. han, y. huang, y. huang, m. zhu, z. pei, q. xue, z. wang, z. liu, z. tang, y. wang, f. kang, b. li, c. zhi, an extremely safe and wearable solid-state zinc ion battery based on a hierarchical structured polymer electrolyte, energy amp; environmental science 11 (2018) 941-951.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
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