2020-05-05 17:29:06
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
1. Seh Z W, Kibsgaard J, Dickens C F, et al. Combining theory and experiment in electrocatalysis: Insights into materials design. Science, 2017, 355:4998-5002. 2. Hinnemann B, Jens K Noslash;rskov. Modeling a central ligand in the nitrogenase FeMo cofactor. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125:1466-1467. 3. Egill Sk#250;lason, Bligaard T, Sigr#237;dur Gudmundsd#243;ttir, et al. A theoretical evaluation of possible transition metal electro-catalysts for N2 reduction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011, 14:187-192. 4. Smil V. Global population and the nitrogen cycle. Scientific American, 1997, 277:76-81. 5. Shi M M, Bao D, Wulan B R, et al. Au sub-nanoclusters on TiO2 toward highly efficient and selective electrocatalyst for N2 conversion to NH3 at ambient conditions. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29:1606550-1606558. 6. Liu H M, Han S H, Zhao Y, et al. Surfactant-free atomically ultrathin rhodium nanosheet nanoassemblies for efficient nitrogen electroreduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6:3211#8211;3217. 7. Bao D, Zhang Q, Meng F L, et al. Electrochemical reduction of N2 under ambient conditions for artificial N2 fixation and renewable energy storage using N2/NH3 cycle. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29:428-436. 8. Chen S, Perathoner S, Ampelli C, et al. Electrocatalytic synthesis of ammonia at room temperature and atmospheric pressure from water and nitrogen on a carbon-nanotube-based electrocatalyst. Angewandte Chemie, 2017, 129:2699#8211;2703 9. Chen G F, Cao X, Wu S, et al. Ammonia electrosynthesis with high selectivity under ambient conditions via a Li incorporation strategy. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139:9771-9774. 10. Han J, Ji X, Ren X, et al. MoO3 nanosheets for efficient electrocatalytic N2 fixation to NH3. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6:12974#8211;12977. 11. Chen, G F. Ammonia electrosynthesis with high selectivity under ambient conditions via a Li incorporation strategy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2017, 139: 9771#8211;9774. 12. Yang, D, Chen, T, Wang, Z. Electrochemical reduction of aqueous nitrogen (N2) at a low overpotential on (110)-oriented Mo nanofilm. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5:18967#8211;18971. 13. Ren X, Cui G, Chen L, et al. Electrochemical N2 fixation to NH3 under ambient conditions: Mo2N nanorod as a highly efficient and selective catalyst. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54:8474#8211;8477. 14. Kordali V, Lambrou C, Kyriacou G. Electrochemical synthesis of ammonia at atmospheric pressure and low temperature in a solid polymer electrolyte cell. Cheminform, 2000, 31:1673-1674. 15. Ling Z, Xuqiang J, Xiang R, et al. Electrochemical ammonia synthesis via nitrogen reduction reaction on a MoS2 Catalyst: Theoretical and Experimental Studies. Advanced Materials, 2018, 32:1800191-1800200.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2019年1月1日~2019年2月16日 完成文献调研 2019年2月16日~2019年2月26日 整理并完成开题报告 2019年2月16日~2019年2月28日 完成Li3VO4/CNTs复合材料的制备 2019年2月23日~2019年3月2日 完成Li3VO4/CNTs复合材料的XRD、SEM等材料表征测试 2019年2月23日~2019年3月28日 完成Li3VO4/CNTs电化学催化固氮测试 2019年3月13日~2019年3月31日 完成Li3VO4/CNTs电化学催化固氮测试数据处理及总结 2019年3月28日~2019年4月28日 对实验数据进行补充并完成论文撰写
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- 沥青及沥青混合料产生的沥青烟的实验室评价外文翻译资料
- 溶胶凝胶法制备二氧化硅-氧化锆抗碱涂层外文翻译资料
- InAs/GaAs量子点尺寸对能带结构影响研究毕业论文
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