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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 新能源材料与器件 > 正文


 2022-01-09 19:20:03  


摘 要




关键词:新能源发电 储能系统 经济性 发电侧

Economic modeling of new energy generation side energy storage system


At present, the development of new energy in China has reached the forefront of the world, accounting for 70% of the photovoltaic market in the world, and greatly driving down the cost of global photovoltaic power generation.At the same time, due to the intermittency, volatility and unpredictability of new energy generation, large-scale access is bound to increase the difficulty of grid regulation, and may cause a lot of light and wind abandonment problems.

Adding energy storage system to the new energy generation side can well solve these problems, storing the energy that cannot be consumed and releasing it when the power generation is insufficient or peak, so as to make up for the instability of new energy generation and avoid waste.The new energy generation side has a growing demand for energy storage. The most important function of energy storage device is to supplement the power deficiency of the system, so that the system can operate in a dynamic balance, ensuring the stable operation of the system and inhibiting the voltage fluctuation of the system.

Although the energy storage system can "help a lot" in improving the wind power access capacity, the high cost of the whole system makes the whole project lack of economy.To improve the economic benefit of new energy power generation side of the energy storage system, this article through to large photovoltaic power station, and distributed photovoltaic power plant were analyzed, and described the they put forward the evaluation index of economy system, and through the analysis of specific cases, respectively, to calculate the influence to the economical efficiency of the whole system, the factors affecting the help relevant enterprises to improve profitability.

Key words: New energy generation Energy storage system Economy Power generation side

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1我国能源发展现状 1

1.2储能在新能源发电侧中的应用现状 2

1.3课题研究意义 3

第二章 新能源发电侧储能的作用及关键技术 4

2.1大型光伏电站 4

2.2分布式光伏 6

2.3 小结 8

第三章 储能系统构成及成本建模方法 10

3.1成本评价指标 10

3.2储能系统构成及成本建模 11

3.3小结 13

第四章 新能源发电侧储能的运营模式及经济性建模 14

4.1 储能在新能源发电侧的运营模式及利益主体分析 14

4.2 新能源发电侧储能的收益构成分析 15

4.3 效益评价指标和方法 16

4.4影响系统经济性的主要因素 17

第五章 案例分析 19

5.1 案例基本情况介绍 19

5.2 关键因素对系统经济性的影响分析 21

5.2.1 光伏投资成本 21

5.2.2 系统运营维护成本 22

5.2.3 光伏补贴 23

5.3 小结 23

第六章 总结 25

参考文献 26

致谢 30

第一章 绪论



在之前的10个年头,我们的能源消耗量增长已经超过了60%。这已经达到了全世界总共使用量的23.2%。2017年贡献了全球能源消费增长量的34%[1],成为了世界第一大能源消费国。我们长期以来一直过度依赖煤炭,导致了能源消费结构严重失衡。煤炭在2018年的能源消费结构中占据了能源消费的59%,石油却只占到了19%,天然气更少,只占了7%,非化石能源占到大约14%。,经济的高速发展带动了石油的消费, 但我国石油储量不足,因此在石油上对外国的依赖越来越严重。根据之前国家统计局公布的数据, 2017年, 我国石油消费,比之前多了5.2个百分点, 对外国的依赖竟然已经高达67.4%,这已经严重威胁了我国的能源安全。


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