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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 材料类 > 新能源材料与器件 > 正文


 2021-03-19 21:57:13  

摘 要


SnSe是一种原材料地壳储量丰富的新型热电材料,在923K时,单晶SnSe的 ZT值沿着b轴方向上可达2.6,高于目前已报道其他块体材料的ZT值。然而由于单晶SnSe制备工艺繁琐、生产周期很长,目前单晶SnSe无法大规模商业化生产。学者们将目光聚焦到多晶SnSe,相较于单晶来说,多晶SnSe由于其电导率较低导致其ZT值较低,显著低于实际应用要求。目前改善多晶SnSe材料的热电性能主要是通过两种途径:提高材料功率因子以及降低材料热导率。


系统实验研究发现: TiB2和TiTe2在SnSe材料中的复合比较成功,在XRD和SEM图谱中并未发现其他杂相存在,而且随着复合量的增加,复合物质在SnSe基相中存在更为明显。热电性能测试分析发现,复合TiB2后SnSe电导率有些许提高,Seebeck系数低温区下降很大,中高温区变化不是很明显,热导率有些许提高,最后ZT值没有得到提升。复合TiTe2后SnSe材料的电导率有显著提高,Seebeck系数低温区下降很严重,中高温区变化不是很大,热导率随着温度升高上升趋势较大,最后低温区ZT值低温区变化不大,中高温区ZT值低于未复合的SnSe。



With the development of world economy and the deterioration of the energy crisis, looking for the environmental protection and sustainable new energy become more attention from the countries all over the world. The thermoelectric conversion technology can convert thermal energy to electrical energy, provides an effective way to relieve the energy crisis. At present, the thermoelectric materials research focused on how to improve the materials of the thermal power optimal value ZT, high ZT value represents a high energy conversion efficiency.

SnSe is a kind of raw material crust rich reserves of the new thermoelectric materials, at 923 k, single crystal SnSe of ZT values along the axial direction b can reach 2.6, higher than the current reported other ZT value of the block material. However, because of the single crystal SnSe preparation process trival, production cycle is too long, there is currently no large-scale commercial production of single crystal SnSe. Scholars have focused attention on the polycrystalline SnSe, compared with single crystal, Polycrystalline SnSe due to its low conductivity leads to lower the value of ZT, significantly lower than the actual application requirements. The thermoelectric performance of improved polycrystalline SnSe materials mainly by two ways: to increase power factor material and Reduce the material thermal conductivity.

Taking SnSe as the research object, USES the self-propagating combustion synthesis (SHS) combined with plasma activated sintering (PAS) method to explore the compound TiB2 and TiTe2 this kind of high conductivity materials, hope to be able to by raising the material conductivity to improve power factor, in order to gain a higher ZT values. Experiments, explores the different composite coating compound to the SnSe material phase composition, microstructure and the influence of thermoelectric performance.

System experimental study found: TiB2 and TiTe2 SnSe materials in the composite is successful , was not found in the XRD and SEM map of mixed phase, and with the increment of the composite, composite material in SnSe base phase is more obvious. Thermoelectric performance test analysis , after composite TiB2 SnSe conductivity increased slightly , Fall in Seebeck coefficient of low temperature area is large , high temperature change is not obvious , Thermal conductivity increased slightly , Finally, ZT value didn't get promoted. After compound TiTe2 SnSe conductivity has increased significantly , Seebeck coefficient under the low temperature zone will be very serious, in the high temperature change is not big , Thermal conductivity with temperature rise is larger , The low temperature area ZT value low temperature area changed little , SnSe ZT values below high temperature section is not in the compound.

Key Words:Self-propagating high temperature synthesis;Composite;SnSe;TiB2;TiTe2;Thermoelectric propertie

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 热电材料的研究背景及意义 1

1.2 热电理论基础 1

1.2.1 热电效应 1 Seebeck效应 1 Peltier效应 2 Thomsom效应 2

1.2.2 影响热电性能的物理参数 2

1.3 热电材料的研究进展 3

1.3.1 传统热电材料 3 Bi-Te类材料 3 PbTe类材料 3 Si-Ge系列 4

1.3.2 新型热电材料 4 电子晶体-声子玻璃(PGEC)热电材料 4 纳米超晶格热电材料 4 金属氧化物热电材料 4

1.4 SnSe基热电材料 5

1.4.1 SnSe的结构及基本性质 5

1.4.2 SnSe基热电材料发展 6

1.5 本论文的研究方向以及主要内容 6

第2章 实验流程以及测试方法 7

2.1 实验流程 7

2.2 热电材料的制备及实验设备 8

2.2.1 实验原料 8

2.2.2 等离子活化烧结技术(PAS)及设备 8

2.2.3 块状样品的切割设备 8

2.3 样品表征技术 9

2.3.1 X射线衍射(XRD)分析 9

2.3.2 扫描电镜(SEM)分析 9

2.4 热电参数的测试原理及设备 9

2.4.1 电导率和Seebeck系数的测试及设备 9

2.4.2 热导率测试 9

第3章 TiB2复合SnSe的合成及热电性能 11

3.1 引言 11

3.2 实验 11

3.3 TiB2复合SnSe的相组成与微结构 11

3.3.1 相组成 11

3.3.2 微结构 12

3.4 TiB2复合SnSe的热动力学参数 13

3.4.1 热力学参数 13

3.4.2 动力学参数 13

3.5 TiB2复合SnSe的热电性能 15

3.6 本章小结 18

第4章 TiTe2复合SnSe的合成及热电性能 19

4.1 引言 19

4.2 实验 19

4.3 TiTe2复合SnSe的相组成 19

4.4 TiTe2复合SnSe的热电性能 20

4.4.1 TiTe2复合SnSe的电性能分析 20

4.4.2 TiTe2复合SnSe的热性能分析 22

4.4.3 无量纲热电性能指数ZT 22

4.5 本章小结 23

第5章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 热电材料的研究背景及意义



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