基于经济专业词典的英语单词普通含义与专业含义的对比研究 A Comparative Study between General Meaning and Professional Meaning of English Words Based on Technical-term Dictionaries in Economics文献综述
2020-05-01 08:46:26
Economic terms are carriers of economic theory andconcept and the essential knowledge of economics. Among these terms, some areprofound while others are plain. Especially for these plain terms, they havegeneral meanings besides the meaning in economics. Therefore, to study theconnection and difference between general meaning and professional meaning ofthese words is beneficial for understanding their connotations in economics.
About the definition of economic terms: as the worldmoves forward, the understanding of the connotation of economics is changing.Nowadays, the common understanding of economics in most countries is largelybased on the definition given in the book Economics which is written by American economist Paul A. Samuelson, that is, “economicsis the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable goodsand services and distribute them among different individuals.”
Economic terms have the following characteristicsbesides the professional and monosemy which terms in other fields also have:
1) Name. Economicscomes from the western countries. Given that many of the concepts in economicshave been proposed by western scholars, the terminology is likely to be namedafter the originator.
2) Pair. Ineconomics, there is often a set of contradictions, opposites, or antagonisticbehaviors to express the corresponding economic relation, so the term usually comesin pairs. For example, law of demand and law of supply, explicit cost andimplicit cost, lose of exporting countries and lose of importing countries-- theseterms have the opposite meaning.
3) Series.When a new word is recoded into the economic glossary, a chain reaction occurred,producing a series of phrases related to the central word. When marginal occurs,it brings out a series of economic terms-- marginal benefit, marginal changes,marginal cost curve and marginal product.
At present, Rojhat Berdan Avsar argues that Economiclanguage is not neutral. Certain terms that are treated as common sense mask thenormative commitments to which economists often are subscribed, consciously ornot (2015). Rojhat treats economics as a particular welfare ideology whosenormative commitments are communicated by its vocabulary. The critical approachused here is not common in economics. The author argues that implicit biasesbuilt in the discipline are reinforced by the particular economic-languageawareness, which is vital to maintaining economics as a pluralist discipline.
By comparing identical questionnaires, Yan Fengqiao concludesthat, according to some indicators, the academic profession in developingcountries, a category in which most Asian countries belong, is inferior to thatin developed countries by a certain magnitude (2013). This research strategywill devalue the research efforts on the academic profession in Asia. Theacademic profession is a complicated phenomenon, and it requires asophisticated research methodology. The characteristics of the academicprofession in Asia can be induced by empirically studying its relationship withthe institutional environments in which the academic profession is embedded. Inaddition, all developing countries in Asia are undergoing a process ofmodernization. This dynamic feature is valuable and deserves exploration. Theinstitutional environments in Asia can be demonstrated and illustrated viacultural and historical lenses.
Zhang tong’ s study of the translation of the economictextbooks is mainly introduced in this paper,which isnot such regular research content in the academic field at present.First the brief introduction is given to thetranslation of economic textbooks;what comesnext is some certain problems in the translation;at last,this paper has offered several methods to promote thequality of translation textbooks.
In general, few study up to now has keen relation tothe field of the comparison of the general meaning and professional meaning ofsome economic terms. Therefore, this paper is necessary to study the problem tohelp a better comprehension to those terms.
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