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On Translation of Sports News Reports from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 目的论关照下的体育新闻翻译毕业论文

 2022-07-06 20:25:15  


摘 要




关键词:体育新闻翻译 目的论

1. Introduction

The present research is made up of five chapters. Chapter one is a brief introduction of the current situation of sport news translations. And there is a demand to clarify the need and significance of the study. The skopos perspective would be mentioned in this chapter as the perspective from which the author look into in order to solve problems appeared in sport news translation. Chapter two is a review on how have Chinese and foreign scholars dealt with the problem of sport translation. Chapter three presents the three rules of skopostheorie and the author believes that they could be applied on all kinds of sport news translation. Chapter four are mainly the case studies. It will presents the procedure of the research: Firstly some hypothesis would be built to discuss the root of the problems taking place in sport news translation. Then the author would analyze five individual translations by revealing their strengths and correcting their mistakes, which will prove if the author’s hypothesis are right. It the most important part which push the paper to a deeper level. Chapter Five are conclusions, limitations approaches.

1.1 Purpose for the study

Although remarkable researches has been made on sport news reports, few has been related to sports news translation. Therefore, this thesis on sport news translation and edition would enrich the translation theory, and it would be a guidance for sport fans, teaching them how to judge and appreciate sport news in target text. Moreover, with the help of the thesis, sport news translators are able to produce sport news with higher quality.

Sport news translation is not just the switch between languages but also the interpretation of sport terminology, cultural attachment, emotional preference, etc. Every piece of appropriate sport news is at the service of the acceptance and welcome of their readers, so the skopostheorie would be of great use in analyzing and translating sport news. As is known to all, Skopos theory is characterized by its powerful reader-oriented function which caters not just the news source but the people who reads the news in target language. Therefore, with the guidance of skopostheorie, all problems appeared in target texts could be corrected with specific translation strategies.

1.2 Significance of the study

Nowadays sport news are of great importance as the number of people watching sports is proliferating, and the desire to know more about sports through sport news is increasing. As is known to all, sport games are exciting in that there are full of suspense and emotional attachments. Therefore, sport news should report to the audience the information that audiences want to know but have not known, and these kinds of information is called “sport property”. The quality of the sport news would be enhanced with more “news property” contained. When translating sport news into Chinese, the aim of letting readers know what they want to know should also be taken into consideration with the strategy of adding more sport property.

It is widely acknowledged that sport changes the world. For example, England and German held several football games during the First World War when they were having war against each other at the same time period! Since most people obtain information of sport games by watching or reading sport news, it is of extreme importance to produce sport news with the highest quality as news media industry can.

The overwhelming majorities of sport news on all kinds of media platforms in China, including TV, newspaper, Internet, are edited and translated. Therefore the quality of a piece of sport news depends largely on the translation of its news source. Since the essence of sport news is reader-oriented, the Chinese reader’s acceptance and reading habits should be emphasized. Sports news translation, different other kinds of translation, should be considered with different techniques

2. Literature Review

Newton says: “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” A new research would get nowhere without the guidance of previous studies. Thus a review on the previous studies on skopostheorie and sport news translation is inevitably necessary. In this chapter, the author would firstly review the previous research on skopostheorie, then the author would analyze the previous studies on sport news translation made by foreign scholars and Chinese scholars. After finding the previous achievements and limitations of the previous studies, the author would find clues in the following research.

2.1 Previous studies by foreign scholars

We may find large amount of books and articles discussing how to conduct good translation, and also there are many researches on sport news, but the amount of studies on the translation of sport news is strictly limited. Through the search on the CNKI, Wikipedia, etc, we find several people discuss the skopostheoie and news translation.

The definition of skopostheorie is varied, but it mainly focuses on translation as an activity with an aim or purpose. Traditionally, translation is an expression of meaning in one language (target) that has the closest natural equivalence of another language (source). That is to say, when conducting a translation, the equivalence of meaning is considered as the first priority. The purpose is lower than the equivalence-based practices. However, from the perspective of skopothrotie, translation is conducted with some intended purpose of the translator or catering for the needs of the reader. “It is the translator, rather than the source itself, turns into an ‘offer of information’” (Christ Nord, 2001).

Sport news is one of the branches of news industry and it is often divided into four major forms: straight news, sport feature, in-depth reporting, and sport column. Straight news, another name being sport news story, tells audience and readers briefly what has happened in the ongoing world of sport. Sport feature has a wider range of themes, reports on basically everything around sport would be mentioned. In-depth reporting means to report not just the target itself (this “target”, which is not the “target” in “target language”, means the people and things which are directly involved in the news and being reported), but to further the extra news, as it is the news commenting on other straight news, especially comments that are interrelated and correlated to the news target. The last form of sport news, sports column is the place where journalists, reporters and commenters make comments, take judgments, write critics, have debates and arguments with their colleagues or sport fans. It allows people who are indulged in making sport columns to take the priority to have their own “creative expression and personal opinion that would not be tolerated in any kind of story.”(Bell, 1991). A large number of scholars (Crystal and Derek, 1983, Mencher, 1987; Wenner, 1998) have researched and studied stylistic sport news. Some scholars (Crystal and Derek, 1983; Ferguson, 1969) studied the specific sport language wording in sport news. However, the sphere of their study is strictly delimited merely to oral materials such as radio broadcasting and TV live commentaries, yet the writing materials such as newspaper column is not among their studies. Mencher (1987) provided a particular skill for the writings of sports journalists. Ghadessy (1988) introduced to us more advanced techniques on sports language from linguistic and computer perspective.

2.2 Previous studies by Chinese scholars

The author finds rather limited materials of studies on sports news translation done by Chinese scholar. After searching on CNKI, the author finds ten thesis on sport news translation. Moreover, these thesis are only limited in discussing word selecting, and translation of titles, rather than in-depth study on context and cultural attachments, etc. that are more vital in translating sport news. However, some sparkling wisdom and inspiration could still be found among them. Hao Qin (2004) writes in her thesis that on being a good sport news translator, one should not just translate the “hard part” of the information, but also some unique characteristics of sport news such as the background knowledge, emotion atmosphere in order to meet the fans’ favor. Moreover, she believes that how to choose the best word with the exact meaning is the main factor deciding whether the news is on top level or just an average one. Meng Lianfeng and Wei Jianjun (1997) also believe sports translation is not just information-oriented but also reader-oriented. It is an obligated duty for reporters to attract readers’ attention. Words for sport news must meet the standards such as being brief, accurate, vivid and sharp. Han Ziman (2007) holds the opinion that by understanding the features on English sport news vocabulary, people can have a better understanding on English sport news. Hu Bing and Liang Wen (2005) are convinced that since there exist many idioms and proverbs about English sport news, a good command of English is very important for an English translator.

3. Skopostheorie and Sport News Translation

Chapter 3 is an introduction on skopostheorie’s most important law--- “the three rules” and sport news translation. The author will introduce the nature of skopostheoire by emphasizing its three rules, which are considered as the law of judging and ranking the following target texts in chapter four. Then, the author will discuss the distinguishing features of sport news translation in order to have a clear logic pattern when conducting translations.

3.1 The introduction of skopostheorie

When conducting translation, people have different perspectives in selecting the overall principle for their target sources. These principles sometimes are the demonstration of specific purposes. Some translations are information-oriented, which aims to convey the exact information from the source language, while some other ways have their own purposes. However, translating from skopos perspective has the advantage of being reader-oriented, which put emphasis on the effects readers have after reading the translated versions of sport news. The skopostheorie was introduced into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer. It includes three principles: skopos rule, coherence role, and fidelity role. Skopos rule explains that translation is determined by purpose. Coherence rule mainly focus on the coherence of form and meaning. Fidelity rule is faithful to the original writing. If there is contradiction among three principles, skopos rule should be put in the first place.

3.1.1 The emergence and development of skopostheoire

Skopos, meaning “aim” or “purpose”, is a term for indicating the purpose of translation and the motivation of the action of translating. The term was firstly introduced into the field of translation in the 1970s by Vermmer, who was strongly against the opinion that translation is only the switch of language where information-oriented, or the law of equivalence is the first priority. As for him, translation is an extremely complicated term involving cross-cultural transfer, cultural attachment, the supplement of guidance for the readers who have the slightest idea of the hidden message between the lines. Moreover, he stressed that translation is actually a form of human behavior with specific purposes. It is often the case that the translators’ source language is not conform to the reader’s target language in many ways such as logic pattern and reading habits. Therefore, there came the skopotheorie which make the translation conform to the expected purposes from the target reader’s taste.

There are three branches of skopostheorie. The first one was the school represented by Katharina Reiss with her functionalist translation. The functional perspective is a very important part of skopostheorie. It totally ranked the former standards of equivalence as obsolete. The second one is Hans J. Vermmer’s Skopostheorie, which believe translation is more than a matter of language. It is a matter about cross-cultural transfer. Moreover, he believes that as being a translator, the action of translation should be considered as the cross-cultural event. The third scholar is Justa Holz-Manttari, who believes that translator should not be limited to just be with pen and paper, but to get involved to the “target language environments”, caring more about the backgrounds , cultural backgrounds, emotional conditions, etc.

3.1.2 The “three rules” of skopostheorie

Those who are the supporters of the skopostheorie believe that translation is the activity whose intention is crystal clear---let the target readers know the information as easy and soon as possible. So the intention of translation are classified into three levels, known as three rules

Firstly, the “skopos rule”. Skopostheorie sees purpose of the translation as the first priority, which put guidance on the action of translating. The purpose of translation is strongly reader-oriented, working under the law of target language and meet the expected quality of the reader of the target language. It is an unprecedented rule which put the reader, rather than the translation, on the center.

The second rule is the “coherence rule”, which means the target reader is able to read and understand what has been translated. Therefore, it is specified that under the supervision of coherence rule, a translation should be adapted to the sense which appeals to the reading habits, logic pattern, etc. of the target reader. This rule prevents reader from being reluctant and uncomfortable of reading a “foreign news written in his or her own language”.

The third rule, “fidelity”, is a requirement on establishing a solid relationship of source language and target language. The skopostheorie gives people the convenience by selecting what is the most needed and what should be changed. However, all these works would be of no meaning if there is an information asymmetry or even false information. It depends both on the translators competence in interpretation of the source text and his loyal to the source text. Therefore, the fidelity rule requires the translation should be faithful and loyal to the source text. So the translator should conduct appropriate strategies to translate, rather than reinvent the news in target text, according to the expected purpose and understanding of the source text.

The three rules are the crucial parts of skopostheorie, which connect the three parts--- the source text producer, the translator, and the target text reader. On one hand, the three rule urge the translator to obey the initial meanings of the source text giving by the producer; on the other, the three rule urges the translator to be responsible to the target text readers. Therefore, the three rules can be applied in this thesis as the core rule in analyzing the target text of sport news translation.

3.2 The distinguishing features of sport news translation

Different from other types of translation, sport news translation has many distinguishing features.

First and foremost, timelessness. We are living in a time where there are news flooding into all kinds of media. Sport news, like other news, could never afford the expense to ignore these important information. Sport news editors try their best to pick up the latest information so that readers could receive fresh news. It is the same for sport news translation which also has a “deadline”. The sport news translators should also do their best to translate huge amount of sport news from other countries within the deadline that is strictly delimited. After all, the timelessness is the most important feature of sport news translation.

The second feature of sport news translation is the style. Sport news is one of the branches of news, so the writing of the sport news should conform to the news writing and they would share some universal features. For example, the writing order of news, no matter sport news or other types of news, should be presented in pyramid structure, where the most important information is put at the beginning. Therefore, according the news reading habits, the translator should put 5WH (when, where, what, why and how) at the beginning of the news in order to lead the readers with a clear structure. As a sport news translator, he or she is required to have a good sense and competence in reading and writing both English and Chinese and has a solid knowledge foundation on sport such as sport terminologies, cultural attachments, etc.

Last but not least, sport news translation, according to the rules of skopostheorie, should be accurate in adaptation and translation in order to meet the satisfaction of target readers without losing its trueness and objectiveness. Since the sport news translator is working with a strict deadline, he or she must adapt the source text in order to finish his or her tasks. Moreover, there are many sport events that are not familiar to most Chinese sport fans, so the translation strategies for these sports are definitely different from those for those familiar sports, extra adding and deleting should be add in order to make target readers understand.

The accuracy of sport news translation is also of great importance. The best translation of sport news finds the balance of being accurate and being attractive. However, the author believes that being accurate is more important. On the one hand, sport news is the replay of the sport game, it would be of no meaning if it fails to play, or plays the wrong record. If the translation is no accurate, then misunderstanding would arise, and the following discussion based on this piece of wrong information would be meaningless.

4. Research Methods

This chapter is the most important part of the thesis which carries out the research questions and hypothesis, and the research process and research summary. The author will firstly select several source texts of sport reports from China Daily, Hupu.com (the biggest sport website and sport forum in China, then analyzes the strength of these translations, which conform to skopostheorie and improve their weakness with the supervision of skopostheorie.

4.1 Research questions and hypothesis

Before the deep analysis of the research, the author raises three questions as follows:

Question 1: What are the problems of current sport news translation in China according to the “three rules”?

Question 2: Is there any strategy in solving the problems and enhancing the quality of sport news translation?

The author’s hypothesis are as follows:

Hypothesis to question 1: According to the three rules of skopostheorie, some sport news translations fail to meet the satisfaction in that they fail to transmit the information that are correspond to their source texts, or they do not cater to their target reader’s habits.


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