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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2020-02-17 12:48:37  

摘 要






4、主动径向转向架与传统转向架轮轨磨耗对比分析。首先对列车的磨耗机理进行了介绍,并选取了相应的滚动接触理论以及磨耗评价指数。随后仿真分析了三种速度下的主动径向转向架列车与传统转向架列车的磨耗指数Wear Number,结果表明无论在什么速度下,主动径向转向架的过弯磨耗量均要比传统转向架小很多。最后将三种速度下的主动径向转向架冲击轮对车轮进行对比,结果表明70km/h时是主动转向架的最佳过弯速度,这时其车轮综合磨耗最小。



In the running process of rail vehicles, relative slip will occur between wheelset and track, especially in curvilinear running. This phenomenon is known as the creep phenomenon of wheelset. With the continuous development of science and technology, the running speed of the modern railway vehicles trunk railway lines and subway lines is in constant increase, the load weight is improved, moreover, the modern high-speed railway vehicles in order to obtain a certain stability, often accompanied by poor performance through corners through the, this series of problems will cause excessive creep force between wheel and track. When the creep force is too large, it will cause excessive abrasion of wheelset, shorten the service life of bogie, cause a lot of energy waste and environmental pollution, and at the same time increase the cost of railway transportation and affect the normal railway transportation.

This paper designs a kind of bogie capable of active radial steering, which can achieve active radial steering by actively controlling the deflection of the front and rear wheelsets of the bogie, so as to improve the passing performance of train curves, reduce the wear of wheelsets and improve the safety of vehicle bending. In this paper, the whole bogie is modeled with SOLIDWORKS modeling software, and the dynamic performance of the active radial bogie is modeled and simulated with the built-in control unit of SIMPACK, the mechanism of wheel set abrasion is analyzed, and the abrasion of the active radial bogie is compared with the traditional bogie. Specific research work is as follows:

1. Concept design of active radial bogie. Firstly, the mechanism of active radial steering is analyzed, and then the SOLIDWORKS model of bogie and the functions of each part are introduced.

2. Establishment of dynamic model of active radial bogie. The SIMPACK vehicle simulation model of active radial bogie train and traditional bogie train is established, which lays a foundation for the following chapters.

3. Dynamic performance analysis of active radial bogie. The linear running stability simulation of the train equipped with active radial bogie is carried out, and the simulation results show that only when the maximum linear running speed of the train reaches 290km/h will the train have snaking movement, which can meet the actual engineering requirements. The simulation results show that the horizontal and vertical stationarity are between "good" and "runnable", and the stationarity is good. At the same time, the curve passing performance of the train is simulated and analyzed. The results show that when the bending speed of the train is less than 70km/h, the derailment coefficient of the inner and outer rails is less than 0.6, reaching the excellent rating.

4. Comparative analysis of wheel and rail abrasion between active radial bogie and traditional bogie. Firstly, the wear mechanism of the train is introduced, and the rolling contact theory and wear evaluation index are selected. Then, the Wear index Wear Number of the active radial bogie train and the traditional bogie train under the three speeds was simulated and analyzed. The results showed that the bending Wear of the active radial bogie was much smaller than that of the traditional bogie at any speed. Finally, a comparison is made among the wheels of the active radial bogie at three speeds. The results show that the best bending speed of the active bogie is 70km/h, and the comprehensive wear of each wheel is the minimum.

Keywords: active radial steering; Traditional bogie; SIMAPCK simulation; Comparative analysis of abrasion

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外径向转向架的发展过程 2

1.2.1径向转向架的概念 2

1.2.2国内外径向转向架的发展 3

1.3国内外研究现状 5

1.3.1径向转向架 5

1.3.2轮对磨耗 6

1.4本文主要研究工作 7

第2章 主动径向转向架模型设计 8

2.1主动径向转向架原理 8

2.2径向转向架整体布局设计 8

2.3主动径向转向架主要构件 9

2.3.1主构架 9

2.3.2副构架 10

2.3.3一系悬挂装置 11

2.3.4二系悬挂装置 12

2.3.5其他装置 14

2.4传统转向架与主动径向转向架对比 16

2.5本章小结 17

第3章 基于SIMAPACK的整车动力学仿真模型构建 18

3.1车辆动力学研究内容 18

3.1.1车辆运行稳定性 18

3.1.2车辆运行平稳性 19

3.1.3车辆曲线通过性 20

3.2仿真软件介绍 21

3.3整车仿真模型 21

3.4 本章小结 25

第4章 转向架动力学性能分析 26

4.1运行稳定性 26

4.2运行平稳性 27

4.3曲线通过性能 30

4.4本章小结 33

第5章 磨耗分析 34

5.1 磨耗机理 34

5.2 传统转向架与主动径向转向架磨耗对比 36

5.3主动径向转向架最佳过弯速度 38

5.4本章小结 40

第6章 结论 41

6.1 研究总结 41

6.2 研究展望 42

参考文献 43

致 谢 45

第1章 绪论




相关的分析报告显示,自2009年起,我国的铁路建设便进入了一个突飞猛进的发展阶段,2010年,我国对交通基础建设共投资了约2万亿元。至2010年底,全国共有9.1万公里长的运营铁路线路,排在了世界的第二位。2008年,国务院对《中长期铁路网规划》文件进行了调整,指出在原有的 “四横四纵”铁路线路要求之上,充分利用现有铁路并对其进行高速化改造,争取形成“八横八纵”的主要骨架,到2020年全国的铁路运营总长度争取突破12万公里,将复线率以及电化率提高至50%以及60% [1]。根据2015年发布的《铁路“十二五”发展规划》显示在该年我国的铁路营业总里程便已经达到了12万公里的要求,基本建成了总长4万公里的快速铁路网,复线率以及电化率的要求也已实现,将原本计划至2020年实现的目标提前了5年。在铁路线路基础建设大力发展的同时,也对提高运输质量以及客运能力提出了相应的要求,对此我国对铁路旅客列车进行了6次大提速以此来适应市场需求,提高运输服务质量的体现。





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