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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2020-04-25 20:25:08  

摘 要






关键词:余热锅炉 蒸发器 热管换热器 翅片热管

Design of Waste Heat Boiler for 15000 SCMH Exhaust Gas Incinerator


Energy is an crucial support of a country's economic development. For past few years, China's economy has developed fast, population density has increased rapidly, and the demand for energy has increased greatly. Under the circumstance of limited total energy, saving energy consumption as much as possible has become the only sustainable development method. This requires us to use energy correctly while minimizing the waste of energy.

Heavy industry produces a large amount of waste heat, which accounts for more than 55% of industrial energy in China, and the part of waste heat used effectively is not more than 30%, and the utilization of heat in developed countries can reach more than 50%. By contrast, there is a broad prospect for the utilization of waste heat in China.

Under this background, the topic "Design of waste heat boiler for 15000 standard waste gas incinerator" mainly utilizes waste heat of organic high temperature waste gas to heat feed water to produce specified saturated steam. A heat pipe evaporator is designed to complete the recovery and utilization of waste heat, so as to achieve the goal of energy saving, emission reduction and sustainable development.

Under the requirements of the topic, the high temperature flue gas is reduced from to 260 in the evaporator. This part of the residual heat is absorbed by the saturated water, the saturated water becomes saturated water vapor, and the flue gas after the exotherm enters the economizer to continue heating the inlet water. Further use of waste heat. The heat pipe evaporator transfers heat through the heat pipe to efficiently transfer heat to the water, effectively raises the temperature of the pipe wall, prevents the dew point corrosion phenomenon of the flue gas on the pipe wall, and improves the heat transfer efficiency, the flow resistance of the flue gas is small, and the cost is low. Easy to maintain.

In the calculation process, firstly find out the flue gas parameters under working conditions, then calculate the heat transfer amount through the known conditions such as heat balance calculation and flow rate, flue gas inlet and outlet temperature, determine the flow rate of the cold end water of the evaporator, and select the appropriate heat pipe. Determine the spacing and arrangement of the heat pipes, then determine the total number of heat pipes and the number of rows of pipes to determine the total heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drop of the flue gas. Then, the tube row and the shell steel are to be checked for strength. Under the above conditions, the design calculation of the structure is carried out, and then the general drawing of the evaporator and the detailed drawings of the main components are drawn.

Keywords: waste heat boiler; evaporator;heat pipe heat exchanger; heat pipe

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2余热锅炉的特点 1

1.3研究现状 1

1.4小结 4

第二章 热力计算与结构计算 6

2.1初始设计参数 6

2.2系统热平衡计算 6

2.2.1烟气流量及放热量计算 6

2.2.2烟气侧热物性参数及燃烧温度计算 8

2.2.3水侧温升及热物性参数 12

2.3结构计算 13

2.4校核计算 18

第三章 总结与展望 21

3.1结论 21

3.2展望 21

参考文献 23

致谢 26

第一章 绪论







余热锅炉问世以来,由于其高效的特点被广泛研究,已经有了一套完整的技术体系,种类也非常多。例如,一种用于焦化厂中用于硫回收的新型余热锅炉,可以有效去除烟气中的二氧化硫、硫化氢等气体。这种余热锅炉与普通的余热锅炉相比较,对锅炉本体和汽包蒸发器中采用的换热管内表面进行了渗铝处理,使得部件的耐腐蚀性能得到了提高,同时采用了在汽包上布置蒸发器的新型结构,效果良好[5];一种用于烧结工艺中回收余热的一种余热锅炉,使用了第三代强化换热技术,将使冷却机和余热锅炉的结构及回收效率趋于最优化,传热效果提升显著[6],余热锅炉在烧结工艺的应用方面,日本的技术相当成熟,非常值得我国借鉴。日本的经验可以总结为“质与量和利用方式紧密结合”,进行分级回收、阶梯利用、做到温度对口、能级匹配、按质用能、热尽其用[7];一种在浮式生产储油卸油装置(FPSO)中利用装置产生的余热发电的余热锅炉,在正常情况下,烟气余热生产可以满足一般条件下的热需求,但是由于热电需求会出现波动,所以不能满足热需求。但是余热利用在FPSO中有良好的改造技术前景[8];应用在整体煤气化联合循环发电电站中气化岛中的余热锅炉,回收了煤气化后排放的废气中的余热,降低了排烟温度,极大地提升了发电机组的发电效率。但是煤气化后的废气温度、压力极高,同时有很强的腐蚀性,所以要求该余热锅炉要有很好的耐腐蚀性能、密封性能以及炉渣排放方式,同时烟气中含有大量灰尘,所以还要防止锅炉管壁的积灰、堵塞和磨损,如果解决这些问题,IGCC的效率会得到更大的提升 [9];在联合循环中的余热锅炉利用烟气的显热进行对流换热,由于对流换热所需要的换热面积更大,所以在余热锅炉内部设置了大量受热面,所以体积庞大。在联合循环系统中余热锅炉安装在燃气轮机的下一级,可以回收大量来自低温蒸汽的余热。运行稳定,效率高效的余热锅炉可以提升整个机组的发电效率和运行安全性[10-11]

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