2020-04-17 15:08:51
摘 要
关键词:褐藻胶 褐藻胶裂解酶 分离纯化 酶学性质
Characterization of the enzymatic properties of alginate lyase Aly7A and its truncation
The enzyme that catalyzes the alginate cracking by the β-elimination method is called alginate lyase, and the current alginate has been isolated from many organisms. From the characteristics already known, alginate lyase can also be divided into different categories. Algin is a polysaccharide material widely found in many brown algae. It is also an important part of brown algae, which accounts for about two-fifths of the dry weight of brown algae. The main component of this polysaccharide is a polymer compound composed of β-D-mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G), wherein the two acids are composed of β-1,4 glycosidic bonds. Connected together. Thereby, poly-β-D-mannuronic acid (polyM), poly-α-L-guluronic acid (polyG) and polyMG linked thereto are formed. The oligomeric products of brown algae polysaccharides degraded by enzymatic or physicochemical methods are called alginate oligosaccharides, which are widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Alginate lyase is an efficient and highly specific enzyme for cleavage of alginate. It has great application value. Because of different substrate specificity, method of action, primary structure of enzyme and spatial structure, alginate lyase has different With the same characteristics, the discovery of alginate lyase resources has now become a research hotspot.
In this paper, the multi-domain alginate lyase was truncated and expressed, and the difference between the truncated body and the whole enzyme in terms of enzymatic properties and product distribution was studied. The recombinant expression vector has been recombinantly expressed, and the recombinant protein was purified by affinity chromatography. Then the substrate specificity, enzyme kinetics and biochemical properties of the recombinant enzyme were studied, and combined with thin layer chromatography.
Key words:alginate:alginate lyase;solation and Purification; Enzymatic properties
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 1
1.1褐藻胶 1
1.1.1褐藻胶的介绍 1
1.1.2褐藻胶的理化性质 1
1.1.3褐藻胶及其衍生物的应用 1
1.2褐藻胶的降解 3
1.2.1褐藻胶的化学法降解 3
1.2.2褐藻胶的物理法降解 3
1.2.3褐藻胶的生物法降解 3
1.3褐藻胶寡糖的研究 3
1.4褐藻胶裂解酶 4
1.4.1褐藻胶裂解酶的来源 4
1.4.2褐藻胶裂解酶的分类 4
1.4.3褐藻胶裂解酶的分子结构 4
1.4.4褐藻胶裂解酶的裂解方式 4
1.4.5褐藻胶裂解酶在褐藻酸合成/降解过程中的作用 4
1.4.6褐藻胶裂解酶的应用 5
1.5酶的分离与纯化方法 5
1.6褐藻胶裂解酶的酶活检测方法 5
1.6.1定性分析方法 5
1.6.2定量分析方法 5
第二章 材料和方法 7
2.1材料来源 7
2.2菌株,实验药品和实验仪器 7
2.3全长和截短的Aly7A的克隆,表达和纯化 8
2.4重组Aly7A和Aly7A-CD的酶活性测定 9
2.5 Aly7A和Aly7A-CD的底物特异性和动力学测量 9
2.6 Aly7A和Aly7A-CD的生化表征 9
第三章 结果与讨论 10
3.1 褐藻胶裂解酶Aly7A及其截短体Aly7A-CD的分离纯化 10
3.2 Aly7A及其截短体Aly7A-CD最适反应pH和pH稳定性 10
3.3褐藻胶裂解酶 Aly7A及其截短体Aly7A-CD的最适反应温度及温度稳定性 12
3.4金属离子对Aly7A及其截短体Aly7A-CD酶活力的影响 13
3.5 褐藻胶裂解酶Aly7A和Aly7A-CD的降解产物分析 14
第四章 总结与展望 15
4.1 总结 15
4.2 应用展望 15
参考文献 16
致谢 19
根据研究结果表明,褐藻胶是酸性多糖聚合物的一种,它主要存在于褐藻细胞壁之中[1]。 1881年,第一次在褐藻中提取褐藻胶是英国化学家斯坦福完成的。19世纪下,褐藻胶的工业生产变得越来越多。手指海带是欧洲褐藻胶的主要来源;美国褐藻胶的主要存在形式是大型藻类; 同样的,亚洲以养殖海带为主,因此,在亚洲褐藻胶的主要来源是人工栽培的海带。世界褐藻胶总产量的60%大约来自于中国[2],居世界第一位。 中国的主要生产区分布在辽宁,山东,江苏,福建等我国的临海地区。
褐藻胶是由不同种类的金属离子构成的藻酸盐,它的化学特性有不溶于水和乙醇,它的衍生物也具有这个特性。其中褐藻酸钠和褐藻酸钙是使用最多的。褐藻酸钠是不溶于有机溶剂乙醇和丙酮的非固定化的粘性亲水胶体[5]。 但是淀粉可以增加褐藻酸钠的粘度。褐藻胶的溶解度和粘度与其所使用的溶液的pH紧密相关。 随着pH升高,溶解度也相应升高。 当溶液的pH 小于3时,褐藻酸盐会出现沉淀;当pH大于5.8的时侯,褐藻酸盐在水中的溶解度逐渐升高。 当pH大于5.8小于11.5的时候,褐藻酸盐透明;当pH大于11.5的时候,褐藻酸盐的水溶性也会逐渐变低,然后会变成凝胶[6]。