2020-04-13 11:09:38
摘 要
The community is an important part of the grassroots organizations in modern society. With the arrival of the Information Age, information technology has entered in the community and households more and more deeply. Community informatization plays an increasingly significant role in enhancing community governance effectiveness and improving community resource allocation. This paper studies the theme of innovative research on urban community governance modes in the Information Age. By using qualitative research methods, literature research methods and case analysis, this paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of urban community governance, and learns from the governance experience of the Shangcheng community in Hangzhou to propose a corresponding practice path to improve the urban community governance.
There are three parts: introduction, text and conclusion.
The introduction part introduces the research background, the purpose of the study, the significance of the research, conceptual definition, and the status quo of urban community governance in China and other countries, and further put forward the innovation of this thesis. Apply information technology to community governance, transform community governance methods, and build information-based communities, so as to improve the level of urban community governance and better serve community residents.
The body section consists of four parts: First, this thesis introduces the research methods, data collection and analysis methods used in this thesis, and completes the research design of this thesis; Secondly, sort out the status quo of urban community governance at home and abroad; Thirdly, analyze the changes and challenges which the governance models of urban communities in the era of informationization face ; Finally, take the governance experience of Shangcheng community in Hangzhou as a case, analyzes and summarizes its experience in governance, and proposes a practical approach to the innovation of urban community governance model.
The conclusion is mainly based on the comparison with the predecessors' research, the conclusion of this thesis, and the realistic limitations of this study.
Key Words:informatization; community governance; governance model
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究目的 1
1.1.3研究意义 1
1.2概念界定 2
1.2.1信息化时代 2
1.2.2社区 2
1.2.3城市社区 2
1.2.4社区治理 2
1.2.5治理模式 3
1.3国内外研究现状和发展趋势 3
1.3.1社区治理主体研究 3
1.3.2社区治理模式研究 4
1.3.3信息化对社区治理的影响 5
1.3.4文献评述 6
第2章 研究方法 7
2.1研究设计 7
2.2研究方法 7
2.2.1文献研究法 7
2.2.2案例研究法 7
第3章 信息化时代下城市社区治理模式面临的转型与挑战 8
3.1城市社区治理模式现状 8
3.1.1国外城市社区治理模式 8
3.1.2国内城市社区治理模式 9
3.2信息化时代下城市社区治理模式面临的转变 11
3.2.1资源的获取方式 11
3.2.2信息的表达方式 11
3.2.3人际的沟通模式 11
3.3信息化时代下城市社区治理模式遭遇的困境 12
3.3.1传统治理模式的束缚 12
3.3.2社区治理结构的缺陷 12
3.3.3社区居民参与度不高 12
3.3.4信息资源利用的低效 13
3.3.5资金人才队伍的缺乏 13
第4章 信息化时代下城市社区治理模式创新的典型案例 14
4.1杭州市上城区信息化治理运行模式 14
4.1.1创新服务提供方式 14
4.1.2创新信息管理方式 15
4.1.3优化居民诉求平台 16
4.1.4调动多元治理主体 16
4.2借鉴与启示 16
4.2.1转变治理观念,实现多元治理主体 16
4.2.2转变治理手段,实现信息化社区管理 17
4.2.3转变治理环境,健全社区治理保障机制 17
第5章 结论 18
5.1总结 18
5.2研究创新点 18
5.3研究局限 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21
第1章 绪论
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