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高速铁路70m115m70m 矮塔斜拉桥设计(双线)毕业论文

 2022-05-11 20:57:54  


摘 要

本次设计是一座高速铁路70m 115m 70m双塔三跨预应力混凝土双索面矮塔斜拉桥的设计。首先确定桥跨布置,然后参照已建成的同类桥梁,结合施工工况,对主梁进行分段,并且,初步拟定各梁段的截面尺寸。接着按照规范,拟定桥塔布置位置及形状,并且确定无索区、有索区长度。之后利用MIDAS软件对全梁进行计算模型的建立。根据荷载组合,对主梁进行预应力钢束的估算和配置。再根据内力组合结果,进行梁截面的内力计算,检算正截面抗弯、斜截面抗剪以及混凝土抗裂。根据验算结果,对截面及预应力钢束进行调整。最后画图、编写计算书。





This design is a double-cable-plane cable-stayed concrete extradosed cable-stayed bridge in a high-speed railway with a span of 70m 115m 79m, double towers and three spans.Then a calculation model of cable-stayed bridge could be established in MIDAS, a software. Moreover, an optimization to each size of cross-section could also be reached by calculation, along with the adjustments of forces in cables. The final step was to conduct a combined calculation of in center beneath the bridge.

When all the relevant calculations had been done, it was time that a calculation model in the process of staged construction be built, which would act as a tool for designer to know the construction methods and procedure.

Following the above steps was the design of pre-stress in this partially cable-stayed bridge by whose expectancy and adjustments the bridge could reach an ideal working condition.

Here came the last step to conclude this work, that is, the checks on the whole design. Firstly, the check should focus on pre-stress concrete girder’s performance when it was normally used under extreme condition and when its supporting capacity went through extreme one. It must base on the coordinating results of main beam’s internal forces in the course of calculating global stress. Secondly, the check on stress should depend on the coordinating results of internal forces in cables. Lastly, the stiffness calculation in this design could be reached on the basis of deformation checks in the main beam.

Extradosed cable-stayed bridge is also called partial cable-stayed bridge, witch whose mechanical properties and economic span both lie between Continuous beam bridges and Cable-stayed bridges. It belongs to a structure system consisting of press-bearing towers, pull-bearing cables and bend-bearing beams. With basic features of light structure, considerable cross-ability, dignified form and proper load-carrying capability, cable-stayed bridge is a widely-used bridge system. Loads of the structure are beared by beams, towers and stay-cables.

Key Words: Extradosed Cable-stayed Bridge; High-speed railway bridge; MIDAS ; FEM.

目 录

第 1 章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 矮塔斜拉桥的主要特点 1

1.3 我国矮塔斜拉桥的发展概况 2

1.4 高速铁路桥梁的设计原则 2

1.5 设计基本资料 2

1.5.1 设计题目 2

1.5.2 设计主要技术指标 2

1.5.3 主要设计参考规范 3

1.5.4 设计参考书目 3

1.5.5 主要设计内容要求 3

1.5.6 绘图内容 5

1.6 本论文的主要工作 6

第 2 章 桥型方案总体设计 7

2.1 桥跨布置 7

2.1.1 桥跨布置过程 8

2.1.2 主梁控制尺寸的确定 10

2.1.3 主梁横断面设计 12

2.1.4 索塔控制尺寸的确定 14

2.1.5 斜拉索的总体设计 16

2.2 主要结构设计施工要点 18

2.2.1 主梁施工控制方法及注意事项 18

2.2.2 桥塔和桥墩施工 19

2.2.3 斜拉索施工 20

2.2.4 支座和伸缩缝 21

2.2.5 桥面铺装设计 21

第 3 章 矮塔斜拉桥的整体受力计算 22

3.1 MIDAS/Civil 整体计算模型的建立 22

3.2 模型的主要计算参数 24

3.3 MIDAS/Civil 分阶段计算模型的建立 25

3.4 恒载状态计算结果 27

3.4.1 一次成桥模型计算结果 27

3.4.2 分阶段模型的典型施工阶段计算结果 27

3.4.3 分阶段模型的成桥恒载状态计算结果 28

3.5 活载状态计算 29

3.5.1 动车活载在 MIDAS/Civil 中的输入 29

3.5.2 主梁在 ZK 活载作用下内力结果 30

3.6 主梁的内力包络图 33

第 4 章 矮塔斜拉桥的主梁预应力筋设计 34

4.1 矮塔斜拉索的索力确定方法 34

4.2 压弯构件预应力估算的原理和方法 35

4.2.1 截面上缘配置预应力筋情况 37

4.2.2 截面下缘配置预应力筋情况 37

4.3 设计中的预应力估算结果 38

4.3.1 主梁墩根部断面估束 38

4.3.2 跨中截面估束 39

4.4 体内预应力钢筋的布束结果 40

第 5 章 矮塔斜拉桥的设计检算 44

5.1 主梁荷载组合 44

5.2 主梁正截面强度检算 46

5.2.1 跨中截面强度检算 47

5.2.2 支点截面强度检算 48

5.3 主梁斜截面抗剪强度验算 49

5.3.1 边跨截面抗剪强度检算 50

5.3.2 支点截面抗剪强度验算 51

5.3.3 中跨1/4截面抗剪强度检算 52

5.4 主梁截面抗裂性检算 52

5.4.1 正截面抗裂性检算 53

5.4.2 斜截面抗裂性检算 54

第 6 章 主要材料数量汇总 55

结论 56

致谢 57

参考文献 58

附录1 外文文献翻译 59

附录2 实习报告 75


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