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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-09 23:39:29  


摘 要



关键词:政府职能 转变方式 对策建议

Administrative functions change the way research of Nanjing


Administrative functions to reflect the administrative activities of the content , the essence and the direction that the government plays in the country , the role of social life and the role played by the foundation set up and reform of administrative organization based administrative decision-making and implementation. In recent years, the Nanjing municipal government for the transformation of government functions and management innovation to achieve a high degree of attention. Therefore, changing the way the government administrative functions of the problem has become particularly important and very urgent topic of our study. How to promote the rapid and healthy development of the administrative functions of the government, for the development of Nanjing has important theoretical and practical significance.

Based on the research results and practical experience predecessors to review Nanjing government administrative functions into a starting point to explain the transformation of government functions important position and role , and then analyze the characteristics of its government functions , the effectiveness and deficiencies , learn British government administrative functions transform the experience , and finally how to improve the government's administrative functions transform the way put forward their suggestion.


Key Words: Government functions; Changes in the way; Suggestions

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1. 研究背景 1

2. 研究意义 1

(二)行政职能转变的研究综述 2

二、行政职能转变的一般理论 3

(一)行政职能转变的含义 3

(二)行政职能转变的必要性 3

(三)行政职能转变方式的特点 4

1.以群众的公共需求为基点,形成以人为本的理念 4

2.行政职能转变重点转向强化政府社会管理职能 4

三、南京市行政职能转变方式的回顾 5

(一)1949年至1988年 5

(二)1988年至2002年 5

(三)2003年至今 6

四、南京市行政职能转变方式的成效及不足 7

(一)南京市行政职能转变方式的成效 7

1.在机构改革、提供社会保障方面 7

2.在政府信息公开机制方面 7

3.在加强法治政府建设方面 7

(二)南京市行政职能转变方式的不足 8

1.认识上不到位,缺乏完善的法律 8

2.强调政府经济职能,社会管理方式陈旧 8

3.社会管理主体单一,服务意识淡薄 8

4.行政部门权力配置不尽合理 8

五、西方城市行政职能转变方式对南京市的启示 10

(一)西方城市行政职能转变方式 10

(二)对南京市的启示 10

六、南京市行政职能转变的建议 12

(一)不断提高认识,主动推进依法行政 12

(二)加强政府社会管理职能,推进社会管理创新 12

(三)构建多元化社会管理主体和服务型政府 12

(四)从实际出发,借鉴外地经验,整体推进政府职能转变 13

结束语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 17



1. 研究背景


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