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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2022-03-17 19:38:56  


摘 要



关键词:减速机 壳体铸造工序 瓶颈环节分析 质量设计与改进

A Process’s Design Of Quality And Improvement Of GuoTai Reducer Limited Company


With the rapid development of the speed reducer industry,speed reducer industry has become an important branch of an integral of the transmission machinery industry,it plays a more and more important role in the field of mechanical manufacturing.Inrecent years, due to country’s emphasis on mechanical manufacturing, the nationalization of the major equipment speed up and urban renewal, construction of venues and other projects started, reducer's market outlook is also increasingly optimistic and the whole industry will maintain rapid and healthy development trend. So,enterprises should seize the opportunity, strive to improve the quality of their products, to meet the needs of the market.

This article carries on the research on the design of quality and improvement of the casting process of the reducer shell of Jiangsu GuomaoGuotai reducer factory. First of all, the company background and product information are briefly introduced, the research status of the gear reducer is described,after long-term observation and record on the site of the reducer production line, the cause analysis, operation analysis and product difference analysis of the used methods of research, improve the working procedure through the operation measurement, find the bottleneck link and further assistance to optimize. By using the closer numerical value of the recommended numerical value of the gating system, increase the round pin and flat riser, control the pouring temperature, improve the main sand core coating, control the spray coating quality and other means to improve the casting process of reducer shell of Jiangsu GuomaoGuotai reducer factory, optimize the production line, solve the problem of efficiency loss between operations and production waste and etc problems, so as to improve the overall production efficiency of the factory, reduce all kinds of the phenomenon of waste of the scene, cut costs and improve product quality, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in the increasingly competitive market. So the research of this paper is very good for some enterprises which appear blowholes and scar in the production process of the casting of the reducer shell.

Key words: Reducer; Casting process of the shell; Analysis of the bottleneck link;Design of quality and improvement


国泰减速机有限公司某工序的质量设计与改进 1

摘要 1


第一章 绪论 1

1.1论文研究背景 1

1.2论文研究的目的和意义 2

1.3论文研究内容、研究方法及思路 2

1.3.1研究内容及方法 2

1.3.2研究思路: 3

1.4国内外研究现状 3

第二章 减速机壳体铸造工序改进的理论 7

2.1 减速机壳体铸造工序分析及工艺方案的选择 7

2.1.1减速机壳体铸造工序分析 7

2.1.2工艺方案的选择 7

2.1.3 浇注系统的设计 10

2.2 汽车后桥减速机壳体改进的目标及原理 12

2.2.1汽车后桥减速机壳体 12

2.3.道夫筒体铸造工艺的改进的目标及原理 13

第三章 江苏国茂国泰减速机厂简介及减速机壳体铸造工序现状 15

3.1企业简介 15

3.2 减速机产品介绍及生产线现状 16

3.2.1减速机产品介绍 16

3.2.2减速机机械零件(箱盖)的加工 17

3.2.3企业产品生产线现状 19

第四章 减速机的壳体铸造工序分析及优化 22

4.1减速机壳体铸造工序现状 22

4.2减速机壳体铸造工序说明 22

4.3 减速机壳体产生气孔、结疤原因分析 23

4.3.1出现气孔原因分析 23

4.3.2出现结疤原因分析 24

4.4针对问题采取的优化方案 25

4.4.1工艺流程优化 25

4.4.2 现场管理与优化 26

第五章 质量,工序质量理论分析 27

5.1质量的含义与比较 27

5.1.1质量的含义 27

5.2工序质量因素与分析 27

5.2.1工序质量因素 27

5.2.2工序质量控制 28

5.3关键工序的质量控制 29

5.3.1关键工序的含义 29

5.3.2关键工序的判断标准 29

5.3.3关键工序的质量分析和控制 29

第六章 总结与展望 30

参考文献 32

致谢 34

第一章 绪论





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