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O2O模式外卖配送站点的选址研究- 以南京工业大学为例毕业论文

 2022-02-25 21:16:14  


摘 要

随着“互联网 ”的流行,越来越多的80、90后选择“懒人经济”成为自己的生活方式。O2O(Online To Offline)近两年在国内异常火爆。O2O模式是电子商务的一种新兴模式。的定义就是目前通过实体店铺与互联网线上交易的相贴合的一种新商业模式。在中,人们购买商品或者服务不再像传统商业模式一样。人们通过虚拟的网络世界上筛选自己钟爱的服务和商品。而商家,也不需要再像以前一样发布广告或者揽客,他们通过虚拟网络来销售自己的实体商品。O2O与传统商业模式最大不同是,他的交易在虚拟的网络进行。这种同时涉及线上和线下的产业链,就是O2O。O2O服务以众多形式的形式出现,其中包括:订餐、社区、洗衣、美甲、洗车等。其中由于O2O外卖其客户数量大、使用频次高等特点,引起众多互联网巨头的青睐。物流配送是外卖O2O竞争的关键。外卖O2O的配送站点如何选址布局是其中的关键问题。本文,笔者将会利用重心选址法,同时也将结合层次分析法与因次分析法,分别求得两个最佳选址位置。并涉及的选址相关的问题,例如配送路径,配送方式。进行配送站点的选址。

关键词:O2O AHP 配送站定位 重心法 因次分析

Site selection of take out O2O delivery sites take

Nanjing University of Technology as an example


With the "Internet " popular, more and more 80, 90 to select "lazy economy" has become our way of life. O2O (Online To Offline) in the past two years, unusually hot in the country. O2O mode is an emerging model of e-commerce.The definition of "O2O" is a new business model that is now connected to online transactions via physical stores. In O2O, people buy goods or services that are no longer the same as traditional business models. People screen their favorite services and goods through the virtual world of the internet. And the businessman, also do not need to be the same as before advertising or showmanship, they through the virtual network to sell their physical goods. The biggest difference between O2O and the traditional business model is that his transactions are conducted on virtual networks. This involves both online and offline industry chain, that is, O2O. O2O services come in many forms, including ordering, community, laundry, manicure, car washing, etc.. Among them, O2O takeaway because of its large number of customers, higher frequency of use, causing many Internet giants favor. Logistics distribution is the key to take out O2O competition. Takeaway O2O distribution site, how to choose location, layout is one of the key issues. In this paper, the author will use the center of gravity location method, and also combine AHP and dimensional analysis method to obtain the two best location. And involves the location related issues, such as delivery path, delivery mode. Site selection of distribution sites.

Key Word: O2O ;AHP ;Distribution station positioning ;Gravity center location method ;Actor Analysis Method

目 录

摘 要 1


目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 5

1.2.1国外研究 5

1.2.2国内研究 6

1.3 研究内容 6

第二章 O2O外卖选址的方法 8

2.1选址的方法 8

2.2重心选址法、AHP法、因次分析法 9

2.2.1重心选址法 9

2.2.2层次分析法 10

2.2.3因次分析法 12

第三章 选址方法的实际运用 13

3.1选址对象数据的收集与分析 13

3.2选址方法的运用 14

3.2.1重心选址法 14

3.2.2因次分析法和层次分析法 21

第四章 总结与展望 28

4.1总结 28

4.2展望 30

参考文献 31

附录 32

致谢 35

第一章 绪论


近两年,伴随着“互联网 ”的流行和人们生活节奏的加快,使得O2O模式在中国的发展十分火爆,渐渐的“懒人经济”成为很多80、90后选择的生活方式。O2O(Online To Offline)模式是电子商务的一种新兴模式。顾客通过网络平台对选购商品及相应服务进行选择并实现网络交易的完成。这种同时涉及线上和线下的产业链,就是O2O。由于O2O外卖的客户基数大、使用次数高等诸多特点。在中国这个民以食为天的国度,O2O模式引起了很多互联网巨头的投资青睐。随着大众生活节奏的加快以及对便利性需求的提升,人们越来越热乐意于使用O2O外卖平台点餐,以上这些因素促进了互联网餐饮外卖行业的快速发展。



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