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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2022-02-14 20:08:08  


摘 要




关键词:企业信息管理系统 java jsp SpringMVC Hibernat

The Design and Implementation of Enterprise Information Management System


With the development of science and technology, the Internet has been developing at an unprecedented rate. Computer network technology and information technology have been widely used in all aspects of society, bringing great changes to modern life and work. The biggest advantage of a computer is that it can be used to process business information in real time. The use of computer information control, not only improve the efficiency, but also greatly improve its security. Especially for e-commerce information management, the computer can give full play to its superiority.

Enterprise information management is a form of information management, the information as the resources to be developed, the information and information activities as the enterprise's wealth and core. In the enterprise information management, information and information activities is the main object of enterprise information management. All the activities of the enterprise should be transformed into information, in the form of "information flow" in the enterprise information system to run, in order to achieve information dissemination, storage, sharing, innovation and utilization. In addition, the traditional management of enterprise information flow, material flow, capital flow, value stream, etc., but also into a variety of "information flow" into the information management. The principle of enterprise information management must follow the inherent laws of information activities, and the establishment of the corresponding management methods and management system, the only way for enterprises to complete the management functions. Enterprise information management process is a process of information collection, collation, dissemination, storage, sharing, innovation and utilization. By constantly generating and mining management information or product information to reflect the changes in business activities, information activities, management processes and management intent to innovation, and constantly meet the information managers rely on information for learning, innovation and decision-making urgent needs.

The content of this graduation design is to design and implement a web-based enterprise information management system, followed by the introduction of the system will be used to achieve the tools and technologies, that is, using the Java language, eclipse development, the database is used in MySQL, published in the Tomcat server in. Using the SpringMVC and Hibernate framework and some other technology; Finally, the platform will be introduced. The system interface is simple, easy to operate, easy to maintain.

Keywords: Enterprise information management system; Java; SpringMVC;Hibernate;

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题意义 1

第二章 开发工具和开发技术 2

2.1开发工具 2

2.1.1 Eclipse相关介绍 2

2.1.2 Tomcat相关介绍 2

2.1.3 MySQL相关介绍 3

2.2开发技术 3

2.2.1 JSP技术介绍 3

2.2.2 SSH框架的介绍 3

第三章 软件需求 6

第四章 总体设计 8

4.1 系统总体框架 8

4.2 数据库分析 8

4.3 数据库详细设计 13

第五章 系统详细设计与实现 19

5.1 管理员模块 19

5.1.1 管理员登录 19

5.1.2信息管理 21

5.1.3 部门管理 22

5.1.4 员工管理 23

5.1.5 部门负责人管理 25

5.1.6 人事职务变更 25

5.1.7 其他.......................................................... 26

5.2 部门负责人模块 26

5.2.1 部门负责人登陆 26

5.2.2 信息查询 26

5.2.3 加班请假出差管理 27

5.2.4其他 29

5.3员工模块 29

第六章 结语 31

6.1 总结 31

6.2 存在问题及改进 31

6.3 展望 31

参考文献 33

致谢 34


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