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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-01-30 20:51:18  


摘 要



关键词:移动支付 大学生 风险评价 层次分析法

Research on College Students' Mobile Payment Risk Evaluation


With the rapid development of smart phones and continuous innovation in payment methods, mobile payment has become more and more popular. Third-party payment has rapidly developed in the past when the payment method of the past can no longer meet the development needs of e-commerce. However, with the rapid development, some of the security issues of mobile payment itself have also hardened people's attention. Therefore, this paper will analyze the risk factors that affect the use of mobile payment for college students, and propose effective solutions, which will have a reference value for the mobile payment platform to attract college students.

Firstly, the paper conducts a questionnaire survey on college students as the backbone of the future society's driving consumption. It studies the causes of college students' choice of mobile payment and the risks encountered in the process of using mobile payments, and conducts the connotation and development status of mobile payments. Explains and analyzes some of the current issues faced by mobile payment; through the form of questionnaires, studies the reasons why college students choose mobile payments and the risks involved in the process of using mobile payments; then take WeChat payment as an example, using analytic hierarchy process The overall risks were studied and elaborated. Wechat payments were quantified in order to quantify the overall risk indicators. The impressions of each indicator on the total risk were analyzed. A safety precaution strategy was proposed. We took the WeChat payment as an example to propose some risk prevention measures to college students. It is helpful to keep college student users mobile.

Keywords: mobile payment; college students; risk assessment; AHP

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究的背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 研究内容 2

1.3 研究方法 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 移动支付的内涵和拓展 4

2.1.1 移动支付的内涵 4

2.1.2 我国移动支付的发展历程 4

2.1.3 国外移动支付的研究现状 5

2.1.4 我国移动支付的现状 5

2.2 层次分析法 7

2.3综合评述 8

第三章 问卷调查 9

3.1 论文设计与发放 9

3.1.1 设计原则 9

3.1.2 设计思路 10

3.1.3 问卷设计的内容 10

3.1.4 问卷发放过程 11

3.2 数据统计 11

3.3 总结分析 15

第四章 基于层次分析法的移动支付风险评价 17

4.1 移动支付的风险关键点分析 17

4.1.1 移动支付流程分析 17

4.1.2 移动支付风险关键点分析 18

4.2 建立层次分析结构模型 19

4.3 构造判断矩阵 20

4.4 合成权重的计算与判断矩阵的一致性检验 22

4.5 移动支付的安全策略分析 24

4.5.1 操作风险防范措施 24

4.5.2 加强技术风险防范体系的建设 25

4.5.3 建设完善的法律机制 25

4.5.4 改善信用体系建设 25

第五章 案例分析--以微信支付为例 26

5.1 微信支付发展现状 26

5.2 大学生微信支付的风险评价 26

5.3 大学生微信支付的安全策略分析 27

结束语 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

附录一 32

附录二 34

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究的背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景



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