2022-01-23 20:59:36
摘 要
本文以邻甲酚酞络合酮法为基础制备尿钙试纸,其原理为:钙离子与邻甲酚酞络合酮在一定pH条件下形成稳定的有色络合物,该有色络合产物在波长575mm处其反射率与样本中Ca2 浓度成反比,利用此反应让邻甲酚酞络合酮与不同浓度梯度的钙离子反应形成色阶,测定反射率数值并划分出不同色阶对应的反射率范围,以此进行半定量测试。该法通常用8-羟基喹啉掩蔽镁离子的干扰[16],但由于邻甲酚酞络合酮易受pH的影响,在碱性环境下不稳定,同时8-羟基喹啉在碱性条件下也容易被氧化,因此具体实施时常常将这两个成分配于酸性储存液中[17],当要使用时将其与有机碱缓冲液混合配成反应液。
本文开发了一种测定尿液中钙离子浓度的干化学法,通过条件实验优化了试剂配方:当缓冲体系PH=9,邻甲酚酞络合酮浓度为0.3 g/L,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮浓度2g/L时,反应迅速灵敏,色阶明显,满足我们的预期。本法测试范围为:0.0-10.0mmol/L。对比实验结果表明:该试纸性能已达到市场同类产品检测水平。老化试验结果表明:试纸等效保质期内性能稳定。
关键词 尿钙试纸 研制 邻甲酚酞络合酮 工艺
Urine routine analysis is a qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of the initial diagnosis of clinical diseases. The use of dry chemical analysis is an ideal means of routine analysis of urine, fast and convenient, suitable for hospital and family use.
In this paper, the urinary calcium test paper was prepared by using the o-cresol oxime complex ketone method. The calcium ion and o-cresol ruthenium complex ketone form a stable colored complex at a certain pH. The colored complex product is at a wavelength of 575 mm. The absorbance is proportional to the concentration of Ca2 in the sample. This method masks the interference of magnesium ions with 8-hydroxyquinoline [16], but since o-cresol oxime complex and methyl thymol blue are susceptible to pH, in alkali It is unstable under the sexual environment, and 8-hydroxyquinoline is also easily oxidized under alkaline conditions. Therefore, these two components are often distributed in an acidic storage solution, and are mixed with an organic base buffer when used. The reaction solution, in which 8-hydroxyquinoline is not only complexed with magnesium ions, but also complexed with Ca2 , but has a large complexing ability with magnesium ions, and the degree of complexation is stronger. When the concentration is too large, the complexation with Ca2 is enhanced. However, it interferes with the measurement results, and its synthesis with cationic complexes is affected by pH. When pH is below 10.5, the complexation with Ca2 is enhanced [17].
This paper introduces the development of urinary calcium test paper and the evaluation of its detection performance, by changing the amount of chromic reagent o-cresol hydrazide ketone, the amount of surfactant polyvinylpyrrolidone, the optimum pH value, and the production and operation parameters. Compare the preparation of urine test paper under optimal conditions, compare it with the commercially available urine routine analysis urine calcium test paper, compare the deviation value, judge whether the preparation test paper is effective, and carry out the aging test to judge the quality assurance ability, in order to reach or Break through the level of foreign products. Through the comparative clinical trials and statistical analysis with the imported test strips of two foreign companies in the hospital, it shows that the test strips have equivalent test results.
Keywords: calcium urine test paper, color reagent, masking agent, PH value, preparation, performance study, batch production
摘要 II
第一章 综述 1
1.1 尿试纸发展概况 1
1.2 尿液常规分析方法进展 2
1.3尿钙分析方法进展 2
1.31邻甲酚酞络合酮及甲基麝香草酚蓝比色法 2
1.3.2离子选择性电极法 3
1.3.3原子吸法(AAS) 3
1.4尿常规尿钙检测的临床意义 4
1.4 本文的研究内容与思路 5
1.4.1本文的研究内容 5
1.4.2本文的研究思路 5
1.5 本文的研究意义 5
第二章 尿钙尿液常规分析试纸的研制 7
2.1主要试剂 7
2.2主要仪器 8
2.3实验原理 8
2.4尿钙检测试纸浸泡液配方的筛选 8
2.4.1最佳pH条件选择 9
2.4.2显色剂用量的选择 11
2.4.3增敏剂用量的选择 13
2.5尿钙试纸的显色色阶 14
第三章生产条件的确定 16
3.1 浸渍干燥工艺 16
3.2 尿钙试纸生产条件确定 16
3.2老化实验 17
3.3对比实验 18
第四章 结论与展望 20
4.1 结论 20
4.2 展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23
第一章 综述
尿液常规检查是医院临床检测的重要组成部分,对尿液相关指标的检测能有效的对相关疾病做到早发现,早治疗。尿液干化学分析技术的起源与发展已经有400多年的历史,最早起源于16世纪中叶英国的物理学家化学家罗伯特 波义耳(Robert Boyle)无意间发明的石蕊试纸。即现在用于检测酸碱度的pH试纸。1850年,法国化学家Mauraene用氧化锡浸泡羊毛纤维时发现,如果尿液中有葡萄糖存在,则纤维变为黑色,这是最先记录在案的判断尿液中有无葡萄糖的实验方法[18]。18世纪90年代,英国的医生George Oliver创造性的发明了能够测量尿液中蛋白质和葡萄糖的药片,这是首次将干化学片剂法应用于尿液中检测中,具有划时代的意义。而到了1970年,人们开始将计算机技术与尿液分析相结合,美国、德国、日本、瑞士等国的科学工作者开始研制能自动判断读取尿试纸颜色变化的半自动仪器,这类仪器发展迅速,但仍需手动进样,且仪器昂贵,维护复杂,到了1980年后,经过发展,开始出现具有自动进样,点滴,试纸带传输功能,并且能够打印的全自动尿干化学分析仪。
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