2022-01-14 20:51:06
摘 要
关键词:计划生育 失独家庭 社会救助
Study on the problems and countermeasures of social assistance for families
who have lost only children——Taking Jiangsu Province as an example
The implementation of family planning policy in my country for more than 30 years has relieved the pressure of population growth. However, contemporary social risks are increasing, and some single-child children are accidentally killed due to social or personal reasons such as accidents, diseases and suicides, resulting in a certain number of families who have lost their independence. Based on the general situation of the families who have lost their families in the province, this paper analyzes that the families who have lost their families are faced with the needs of economic material, old-age security, re-fertility and adoption, and psychological spirit due to the death of the only child. Through the literature method to explore the social assistance of the disabled families in Jiangsu Province, there are problems of insufficient government assistance, lack of social organization assistance, and weak self-help awareness. They also clarify government responsibilities, implement policies, attach importance to social organization, and comprehensively enhance rescue capabilities. The three aspects of self-power and subjective initiative propose to improve the social assistance of the families in Jiangsu Province.
Key Words: Family planning; Families who have lost only children; Social assistance
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
一、 绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)研究现状 1
(三)理论基础 4
1.马斯洛需要层次理论 4
2.社会救助理论 4
(四)研究思路 5
1.核心概念界定 5
2.研究内容和方法 5
二、江苏省失独家庭的社会救助现状及需求 7
(一)江苏省失独家庭的现状 7
1.失独家庭的基本情况 7
2.失独家庭的经济条件 7
3.失独父母的身体情况及生活自理能力 7
4.失独父母的精神状况 7
(二)失独家庭的需求 7
1.经济物质需求 7
2.养老保障需求 8
3.再生育及收养需求 8
4.心理精神需求 8
(三)江苏省失独家庭的社会救助政策 9
三、江苏省失独家庭社会救助的问题与原因 10
(一)江苏省失独家庭社会救助存在的问题 10
1.政府救助不足 10
2.社会组织的社会救助缺失 11
3.自助意识的薄弱 11
(二)江苏省失独家庭社会救助问题存在的原因 11
1.政府层面的原因 11
2.社会组织层面的原因 12
3.家庭和个人层面的原因 12
四、完善江苏省失独家庭社会救助的对策 13
(一)明确政府职责,贯彻落实政策 13
1.增加资金的投入 13
2.确保法律权益的维护 13
3.完善养老体系的建设 13
4.提供再生育或领养的平台 14
(二)重视社会组织,全面提升救助能力 14
1.提供专业心理辅导 14
2.承担居家生活服务 14
3.链接社会资源 14
(三)借助自身力量,发挥主观能动性 15
五、总结 16
(一)研究结论 16
(二)讨论 16
(三)研究不足 16
参考文献 18
致谢 21
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