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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2022-01-12 21:48:38  


摘 要


关键词:空巢老人 心理健康 社会支持 社会工作

Mental health status and social support of empty nesters


With the advent of the knowledge economy, social needs have become more diversified and the level of social development has been greatly improved. The lifestyles and social quality of various groups in the society have undergone different changes, and the elderly groups have also undergone changes. After China's entry into the aging population, China's social security, social health and other social welfare aspects have ushered in a lot of challenges. The problem of empty nesters is one of many old-age problems, and sociologists have little research on them. According to a survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the number of empty nesters aged 65 and over has accounted for nearly one-third of the country's total population, showing the number of them. Therefore, under this situation, society should urgently pay attention to and solve the mental health problems of empty nesters. The empty nesters have put forward new requirements for their current living conditions. However, due to their own limited conditions and lack of social support, their social needs are not well met, and some psychological problems have arisen. A survey report on the mental health status of the empty nesters was formed, and the method of social work was used to deepen the empty nesters and understand their Social needs, and systematic sampling to select samples for in-depth analysis, from the perspective of social support and other aspects of the mental health of empty nesters and propose multi-faceted, professional, specific feasibility recommendations.

Key Words:Empty nest elderly; Mental health; Social support; Social work;

目 录



一、绪论 1

(一)选题背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究方法 2

二、文献综述 3

(一)概念界定 3

1.空巢老人 3

(二)理论依据 3

1.马斯洛需要层次理论 3

2.生态系统理论 3

(三)国外研究现状 3

(四)国内研究现状 4

三、空巢老人心理健康状况与社会支持现状 6

(一)样本情况 6

1.基本情况 6

2.收入情况 6

3.身体状况 7

4.抑郁与焦虑状况 8

5.社会支持现状 9

(二)结果分析 13

四、对策与建议 14

(一)家庭层面 14

(二)社区层面 15

(三)社会层面 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

附录 21

致谢 31


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