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 2022-01-12 21:20:05  


摘 要



关键词 :短期支教 大学生志愿者 志愿活动

Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Short-term Teaching Support for College Students


Recently, the short-term support of college students in China has developed rapidly. More and more college student volunteers use vacation time to go to backward areas to support education. To a certain extent, it makes up for the imbalance of educational resources among regions and improves the overall level of education in China. However, due to factors of different aspects, some problems still exist. These problems have resulted in bad consequences such as the difficulty of maintaining the effect of support activities and the psychological impact on the students.

Firstly, this paper describes and analyzes the short-term teaching activities of college students through methods of questionnaires and interviews. Secondly, the research find the problems and analyzes what causes of the problems. At last, the article try to come up with solutions according to the previous analysis. This paper is divided into five parts: the introduction part analyses the background of the formation of short-term support for college students, and expounds the significance of the research; the overview part summarizes the current situation of short-term support for college students from five aspects: purpose, form and content, procedure, impact and characteristics; the third part puts forward the problems of short-term support for college students from three parts: micro, medium and macro; The fifth part puts forward the strategies to promote the good development of short-term support education for college students in view of the problems and their causes.

Key words: Short-term Teaching Support; University Student Volunteers; Voluntary Activities


摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)研究现状 2

1.关于大学生短期支教的利弊分析 2

2.大学生短期支教问题分析研究 2

3.大学生短期支教对策分析研究 3

(三)研究方法 3

1.问卷调查法 3

2.访谈法 3

3.文献法 4

二、大学生短期支教活动概述 5

(一)大学生短期支教的目的 5

(二)大学生短期支教活动形式与内容 6

(三)大学生短期支教的影响 6

(四)大学生短期支教特征 7

1.自发性 7

2.灵活性 7

3.广泛性 7

三、大学生短期支教中存在的问题 8

(一)微观:志愿者与教学效果问题 8

1.教学效果有限 8

2.志愿者难以完全适应当地生活 9

3.易对学生造成心理落差 9

(二)中观:资源整合与组织管理问题 10

1.活动资金不足 10

2.缺乏系统的组织管理 10

3.存在安全隐患 11

(三)宏观:长效机制与政策支持问题 11

1.活动缺乏延续性 11

2.支持力量不足 11

四、大学生短期支教问题的原因分析 13

(一)微观:志愿者态度偏差与能力不足 13

1.志愿者动机不纯 13

2.活动前培训不到位 13

3.心理建设不够 14

(二)中观:组织结构管理不科学 14

1.资源链接不足 14

2.组织管理松散 14

3.缺乏与当地的联系 15

(三)宏观:缺乏长效机制与政策统率 15

1.人员与时间不稳定 15

2.缺乏政策统率 15

五、大学生短期支教问题的解决对策 16

(一)微观:提升志愿者综合素质 16

1.严格选拔志愿者 16

2.对志愿者进行科学培训 16

3.进行志愿者成长小组 16

(二)中观:链接资源并建立科学管理机制 17

1.链接高校及社会资源 17

2.做好管理工作 17

3.高校进行专业工作指导 17

(三)宏观:政策支持及建立长效支教机制 17

1.建立相关政策法规 17

2.建立长效机制 18

参考文献 19

致谢 23





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