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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2022-01-09 21:17:54  


摘 要









Crankshaft is an important power transmission component of engine. It bears the force transmitted from piston through connecting rod, forms the torque around its axis and outputs it to the transmission system. Therefore, the journal part contacting with connecting rod is more easily worn, leading to crankshaft failure. At present, the main strengthening method of crankshaft is the whole heat treatment, the wear resistance and fatigue resistance of the journal surface have been improved, but the problem of insufficient surface strengthening treatment of crankshaft after long-term use will be highlighted, resulting in the premature failure of crankshaft. At present, the damage of crankshaft caused by long-term service has not been strengthened.

Different from the traditional heat treatment, laser quenching is to create a solid phase change surface with enough high flux by laser irradiation, so as to realize the surface strengthening, but laser quenching can not improve the surface lubrication performance. Micro-texture can reduce friction resistance and wear, but it can also cause microcracks, residue accumulation and other problems. At this stage, it is difficult to combine the two, the main reason is the lack of processing equipment. The main task of this project is to design a laser selective micro-texture/micro-quenching compound surface strengthening device for engine crankshaft. It focuses on the technical and theoretical problems such as the integration of optical, mechanical and electrical systems, the design of composite process parameters, and the design of surface morphology. The main design contents include:

1. According to the size of the crankshaft and the parts of the journal to be machined, combined with the characteristics of laser machining, such as no cutting force, normal incidence, etc., the matching mechanical system is designed, including: positioning clamping device, moving executive components, optical spindle, etc

2. According to the calculation of the optical system, select the appropriate laser system and light guide system, design the optical path system and Laser processing track.

3. Research on PLC and use PLC to control the mechanical movement of the system. Kingview 6.55 is used to design the processing panel of the strengthening device.

Through the work of this project, a laser selective micro-texture/micro-quenching compound surface strengthening device for engine crankshaft is designed.

Keywords:laser;micro-texture/micro-quenching;optical system;Kingview;PLC

目 录



第一章 绪论……………………………………………………………………

1.1 国内外研究现状……………………………………

1.1.1 激光淬火技术………………………………………………

1.1.2 激光微织构技术……………………………………………

1.2 主要工作内容及意义……………………………………

1.3 课题来源……………………………………………………………

第二章 激光微织构-微淬火复合工艺参数设计…………………………

2.1 工作难点及解决思路………………………………………………

2.2 光学参数计算………………………………………………

2.3 激光能量密度影响探究………………………………………………


第三章 激光系统

3.1 工作难点及解决思路………………………………………………

3.2 激光器………………………………………………………………

3.3 激光工作台…………………………………………………………

3.4 激光光路设计………………………………………………………

3.5 激光加工方案………………………………………………………

3.5.1 加工方式设计……………………………………………

3.5.2 加工轨迹设计……………………………………………

3.6 辅助系统……………………………………………………………

第四章 曲轴连杆轴颈自定位夹具结构设计

4.1 工作难点及解决思路………………………………………………

4.2 工件定位方案………………………………………………………

4.3 工件夹紧方案……………………………………………………

4.4 曲轴连杆颈加工夹具设计

第五章 基于可编程控制器(PLC)的激光协同控制

5.1 工作难点及解决思路

5.2 基于PLC的激光协同控制

5.2.1 复合强化控制工作站…………………………………………

5.2.1 三菱FX2N简介及性能…………………………………………

5.2.3 三菱PLC连接控制线路…………………………………………

5.3 组态王

5.4 整机设计……………………………………………………………




  1. 绪论

1.1 激光加工技术的国内外研究现状


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