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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:42:51  


摘 要




关键词:弹幕 视频流行度 文本情感分析 线性回归分析

Data Mining Based Analysis of Barrage and Video Popularity in Bilibili


In the era of the booming Internet, video has become the main way for the majority of netizens to obtain outside information, and the barrage has replaced comments as the battlefield of ideas. More and more practice and theory show that barrage has become an indispensable element in video culture. Relevant literatures in the past mostly study the user's sentiment analysis in the context of barrage, and use the principles of communication to study the cause of barrage. These studies lack data support, and have not explored the inherent relationship between barrage and video popularity. This article will conduct further research on these deficiencies.

First, this article consults relevant literature on the popularity of barrage and video, clarifies its connotation, and introduces data mining technology to explore the potential connection between barrage and video popularity, and initially builds a model that reflects the relationship between the two. Corresponding hypotheses are also proposed. Secondly, on the basis of mastering data collection and data processing technology, python crawler technology is used to crawl the barrage of popular videos on station B to complete data collection. Third, for the pre-processing of the collected barrage data, it is inevitable that there is a redundancy phenomenon in the barrage data, which is related to the screen swipe phenomenon in the barrage culture. This type of barrage will affect the results and require pre-processing. Fourth, based on the collected data, the correlation analysis between the barrage and the popularity of the video is made, and the conclusion is drawn. Fifth, this article will make relevant recommendations based on research.

In terms of theoretical contributions, this article enriches the previous research on related topics, using station B as the main field, analyzing the correlation between barrage and video popularity, and exploring the popularity of barrage and video based on time points, playback volume, member users, etc The effect of degree has a certain supplementary effect on previous papers. In terms of practical contributions, this article makes strong suggestions for barrage control, which is helpful to guide public opinion and establish correct values for young people.

Key words: Barrage; Video Popularity; Text Sentiment Analysis; Linear Regression Analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目标和研究内容 2

1.3研究方法和思路 3

第二章 理论基础与文献综述 5

2.1基础概念和理论 5

2.1.1弹幕与视频流行度概述 5

2.1.2数据挖掘理论 5

2.2文献综述 6

2.2.1弹幕相关研究 6

2.2.2视频流行度相关研究 7

2.3研究现状评价 8

2.4小结 9

第三章 模型假设与研究设计 10

3.1研究模型 10

3.2研究假设 11

3.3数据收集与处理 13

3.3.1基于python的数据爬取 13

3.3.2数据预处理 13

3.3.3 文本情感分析 14

3.4数据统计 15

3.4.1基于总站的弹幕与视频流行度统计 15

3.4.2基于舞蹈区的弹幕与视频流行度统计 15

3.4.3基于科技区的弹幕与视频流行度统计 16

3.4.4基于鬼畜区的弹幕与视频流行度统计 16

3.4.5分区弹幕与视频流行度统计汇总 17

3.5本章小结 17

第四章 数据分析与讨论 18

4.1描述性分析 18

4.2相关性分析 19

4.3线性回归分析 21

4.3.1基于总站的线性回归 21

4.3.2基于舞蹈区的线性回归 22

4.3.3基于科技区的线性回归 23

4.3.4基于鬼畜区的线性回归 25

4.4结果讨论 26

第五章 结论、启示与展望 27

5.1研究结论 27

5.2研究启示 27

5.3研究展望 28

参考文献 29

附录 31

代码图片 31

致谢 38

第一章 绪论



哔哩哔哩是弹幕文化的“主战场”,国内领先的年轻人文化社区,起初的B站是二次元爱好者的聚集地,但逐渐B站已经转型成为青年人活跃的社区。B站作为主流弹幕网站,再加上其受众多为青年人,因而弹幕管制问题成为B站的头等大事。受众年轻化不仅带来了思想新潮,同时带来了价值观的碰撞,如果B站做不好正确的价值观引导,面临闭站风险也是极有可能的。 相关文献研究多集中于对用户特点进行刻画,但忽视了弹幕文化背后的潜在危机,弹幕文化的兴起彰显了网络空间的言论自由,发送弹幕是用户渴望得到归属感的一种表现。针对视频中弹幕进行情感分析有助于对视频进行分类,而针对弹幕与视频流行度进行关联分析,则有助于发现流行视频背后弹幕特点,在深层次上有助于引导舆论导向。


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