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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-01-05 21:26:07  


摘 要



关键词:共享经济 消费者信任运营模式 共享农场

Research on the Operation Mode of Shared Farm Based on Consumer Trust


With the continuous progress of the sharing economy, many and many economic models have emerged, and the shared farm is a new agricultural economic model. The use of shared farms can increase the utilization of farm resources to revitalize farm resources. Achieve multi-party win-win through sharing. In the current context, the shared farm is facing how to solve the problem of consumer trust. This article uses the method of empirical investigation from the perspective of consumer trust to study the operation model of shared farms.

This article first sorts out the research status of shared farms at home and abroad. Secondly, this article summarizes the basic characteristics of shared farms and analyzes the three main models of shared farms at home and abroad. Then pointed out the problems of the shared farm. Third, combined with the typical case of shared farms, a questionnaire based on consumer trust was designed. The analysis results show that the credibility of the farm, the conditions of the farm, the service functions of the farm and the working strength of the platform, the reputation of the farm, etc. are all factors that affect the trust of the shared farm consumers. The credibility of the website has been evaluated and analyzed. The analysis results show that the technical security of the farm website, the interface of the website, the timeliness of the content, and interactive communication are the factors that affect the credibility of the shared farm website. Finally, in order to improve the consumer trust of the shared farm, from the aspects of the shared farm platform, the subjective understanding of the farm, and the farm website, suggestions for improving the operation of the shared farm were proposed.

Key words: Sharing economy; Consumer trust; Operating model; Shared farm


摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2研究内容与研究方法 2

1.2.1研究内容 2

1.2.2研究方法 3

1.3研究结构 4

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1共享经济消费者信任方面 5

2.2共享经济运营模式方面 6

2.3共享农场方面 7

第三章 共享农场的发展现状分析 8

3.1 共享农场概述 8

3.1.1共享农场的概念 8

3.1.2共享农场的特征 8

3.1.3共享农场的基本运营模式 9

3.2共享农场的发展现状 11

3.2.1国外共享农场案例 11

3.2.2国内共享农场案例 11

3.2.3共享农场发展前景 12

3.3共享农场面临的问题 13

3.3.1共享农场发展过程中面临的主要问题 13

3.4本章小结 13

第四章 基于消费者信任的共享农场影响因素分析 14

4.1 共享经济下消费者信任概述 14

4.1.1共享经济下信任的含义 14

4.1.2共享经济下信任的作用 14

4.2基于消费者信任的共享农场现状调研 15

4.2.1调查问卷的设计 15

4.2.2调查问卷的发放与回收 15

4.3基于消费者信任的共享农场影响因素统计分析 17

4.3.1调查问基本信息统计分析 17

4.3.2对共享农场环境和功能的满意度分析 20

4.3.3共享农场网站可信度分析 24

4.4本章小结 30

第五章 共享农场运营模式的对策建议 31

5.1农场平台层面 31

5.1.1提升共享农场可信度 31

5.1.2增强农场共享平台工作力度 31

5.2主观认识层面 32

5.2.1做好营销宣传 32

5.2.2树立口碑形象 32

5.3农场网站层面 32

5.4本章小结 34

第六章 结论与展望 35

6.1结论 35

6.2 展望 35

参考文献 36

致谢 39

附录 40

第一章 绪论



共享经济的概念率先由美国学者琼·斯潘思(Joel. Spaeth)和马科斯·费尔逊(Marcus Felson)于1978年提出[1]。在我国第一次提出发展共享经济是在2015年,2016,我国政府第一次把共享经济写进工作报告中,表示,将支持共享农场的发展,提升资源的利用率,实现共同富裕。[2]。共享经济率先打开大门的是Airbnb和Uber,两者涉及的领域也不同,Uber主打出行领域,Airbnb则是住所住所市场。人们在体验共享经济带来的便利的同时,餐饮,物流,服装等行业也开始建造属于本行业的共享经济商业模式[3]



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