2021-12-19 22:27:30
摘 要
关键词:流动儿童 城市教育 政策 社工
Social Work Intervention Study on the Educational Dilemma of Urban Migrant Children
In recent years, migrant workers have not only brought labor to the city, but also introduced migrant children to the city. The biggest problem encountered by such special groups in the process of integration into the city is the integration of urban education. This article selects urban migrant children as the research object, takes the educational plight of urban migrant children as the main body of study, and uses known policy documents and network data as analysis materials. Through research, it is found that migrant children face multiple difficulties in urban education. The failure of identity, the recognition of social discrimination, the failure of one ’s own psychological qualities, and the lack of peer sentiment all lead to the exclusion of migrant children from urban education; the neglect of family education and inappropriate school education make it difficult for migrant children Following up on urban education and being tired of school and dropping out of school; irrational related policies and unfair resource allocation are also difficult to integrate migrant children into urban education. In order to solve the dilemma of urban migrant children's education, the research will also start from the perspective of social work, aiming to use the advantages of social workers to provide reasonable and feasible suggestions.
Key words: migrant children; urban education; policies; social workers
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一、 引言 1
(一) 研究的背景和意义 1
(二) 文献综述 1
1. 国外研究现状 2
2. 国内研究现状 2
3. 评述 3
(三) 相关理论 3
1. 生态系统理论 3
2. 融合教育理论 4
(四) 研究思路 5
1. 概念界定 5
2. 研究内容和方法 5
二、 我国城市流动儿童教育现状 6
(一) 城市流动儿童的教育政策 6
(二) 城市流动儿童的教育现状 7
三、 城市流动儿童教育面临的教育困境及根源 9
(一) 城市流动儿童教育面临的困境 9
1. 流动儿童存在城市适应心理障碍 9
2. 流动儿童家庭教育缺失 9
3. 流动儿童在朋辈群体间互动不融洽 10
4. 流动儿童接受的教育水平相对薄弱 10
5. 有关流动儿童教育的政策制定和执行不到位 11
(二) 城市流动儿童教育困境的根源 11
1. 流动儿童身份认同的困难 11
2. 针对流动儿童心理健康的关注度不高 12
3. 农民工家庭的局限性 12
4. 老师、同学对“外来人”的排斥 13
5. 教育资源的分配不均 13
6. 户籍制度的限制 14
四、 城市流动儿童教育困境的社工介入 15
(一) 学校社工提供流动儿童心理辅导 15
(二) 学校、社区社工携手构建家—校联系体系 15
(三) 学校社工组织班级活动来加强朋辈群体交流 16
(四) 社区工作者整合社会资源来弥补家庭教育的缺失 16
(五) 社会组织与政府间构建交流关系以推动政策完善 17
五、 结论与展望 18
(一) 研究结论及讨论 18
(二) 研究不足 18
参考文献 20
致谢 23
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