2021-12-17 23:14:58
摘 要
关键词:物管社工 物业管理 社区管理 职业化
How can social workers do in property management ?
Take Shanghai Vanke property as an example
In recent years, the real estate market in China has been on the rise, and people’s demand for housing has remained high. At the same time, the development of property services has been rapid. Besides, the industry committee, neighborhood committee, and property service enterprise constitute the three main bodies of community property management. Due to the co-governance of the three, the division of responsibility is not clear, and some work function overlap, gradually revealing various problems and drawbacks. The use of professional methods and skills in social happens to be able to alleviate these contradiction.
Based on the practice of Shanghai Vanke’s property service community, in order to deal with the problems and contradictions generated by the community in the process of property management, to achieve effective property management, and to further promote the healthy operation of the entire community, the author creatively proposed the concept of “material management social worker”. Professional property management social workers rely on their method and role advantages to fill the gaps in coordination and management of the three traditional main bodies. Therefore, the formation of professional property management social worker talent team to participate in property management services will be an inevitable requirement for achieving scientific and efficient management in the community. At the same time, its professional development also needs urgent attention.
Key Words: Social workers in property management;Property management;Community management;Professionalization
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
1、研究背景 1
2、研究意义 1
(二)文献综述 2
1、物管社工相关政策研究 2
2、社会工作与物业管理的关系研究 2
3、文献评述 3
(三)研究方法与创新点 3
1、研究方法 3
2、创新点 4
二、上海万科物业所在小区物业管理中存在的问题 5
三、物管社工参与社区物业管理的可行性和优势 7
(一)物管社工的含义 7
(二)物管社工参与社区物业管理的可行性 7
1.目标的一致性 7
2.价值观的共同点 8
(三)物管社工参与社区物业管理的优势 8
1.社工专业方法介入优势 9
2.社会工作者角色优势 10
四、推动物管社工职业化发展的建议 11
(一)建立健全物管社工职业管理制度 11
1.职业资格认证制度 11
2.就业准入制度 11
3.职业等级制度 12
4.职业考评制度 12
(二)理清物管社工岗位职责,规范职业行为 13
(三)构建激励保障机制,改善物管社工待遇 13
(四)完善培育体系,提髙物管社工职业能力 14
(五)加强宣传和引导,营造良好的职业化环境 14
结语 16
参考文献 17
致谢 19
附录 20
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