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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:33:25  

摘 要





With the rise and development of cruise ships around the world,the demand of interior decoration materials around the world are increasing, and the quality of the interior decoration materials have also been more and more people's attention. In order to ensure interior decoration materials of cruise ships can safely reach the shipyard and make the cruise ship build successfully, risk analysis and assessment of interior decoration materials of the cruise ships about storage is of great significance. On the basis of reading a large number of literatures on storage operations and risk analysis and management, this paper firstly analyzes the types and properties of interior decoration materials of cruise ships, and then summarizes the main characteristics and storage requirements of interior decoration materials. Secondly, the paper analyzes the operation flow of interior decoration materials during storage, and uses the flow chart analysis method to identify the risk of the key and weak links in the operation of interior decoration materials of cruise ship during storage. Then, the bow-tie model is used to analyze the identified risk factors one by one to find out the causes of each risk and the possible consequences caused by risk events. According to the analysis of causes and consequences, the corresponding barriers are built to cut off the paths that may cause risk events or reduce the possible consequences caused by risk events. Finally, FMECA technology is used to evaluate the risks of interior decoration materials of cruise ship during storage, and the risks are sorted to get the risks that need to be controlled most.

Key Words:Interior decoration material of cruise ship;identification of risk;Bow - tie model;risk management and control

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文的研究思路 3

1.4 论文组织结构 4

1.5 本章小结 5

第2章 邮轮内装物资仓储概述 6

2.1 邮轮内装物资概述 6

2.2邮轮内装物资仓储要求概述 8

2.3 本章小结 9

第3章 邮轮内装物资仓储风险识别 10

3.1 邮轮内装物资仓储作业流程 10

3.2 邮轮内装物资仓储风险识别 11

3.2.1 风险的概念 11

3.2.2风险识别方法概述 12

3.2.3 邮轮内装物资入库验收环节风险识别 13

3.2.4 邮轮内装物资分类堆码环节风险识别 13

3.2.5 邮轮内装物资保管保养环节风险识别 13

3.2.6 审核邮轮内装物资出库凭证风险识别 13

3.2.7 邮轮内装物资备货加工环节风险识别 14

3.2.8 邮轮内装物资仓储风险及原因 14

3.3本章小结 16

第4章 基于Bow-tie模型的邮轮内装物资仓储风险分析 17

4.1 Bow-tie模型相关理论 17

4.1.1 Bow-tie模型介绍 17

4.1.2安全屏障概述 17

4.1.3故障树简介 18

4.2 基于Bow-tie模型邮轮内装物资仓储风险分析 18

4.2.1 内装物资破损风险分析 20

4.2.2 内装物资被盗风险分析 22

4.2.3 内装物资受潮风险分析 23

4.2.4 火灾风险分析 24

4.2.5 内装物资丢失风险分析 26

4.3本章小结 27

第5章 邮轮内装物资仓储风险评估 28

5.1 FMECA概述 28

5.1.1 FMECA的基本原理 28

5.1.2 故障模式影响分析(FMEA) 28

5.1.3 危害性分析(CA) 28

5.2 邮轮内装物资仓储风险评估 29

5.3 本章小结 33

第6章 结论与展望 34

6.1 结论 34

6.2 展望 34

参考文献 36

附 录 38

致 谢 42



近年来,全球豪华邮轮新船市场持续活跃,造船行业将豪华邮轮、LNG运输船和航空母舰并称为“三颗明珠”。然而全世界主要的邮轮设备厂家分布在欧洲,仅有少数国家有建造邮轮的成熟的技术和经验,亚洲及其他地区对大型邮轮还处于探索与尝试阶段。作为邮轮建造过程中不可缺少的物资,内装材料的质量关系着邮轮建造计划的顺利进行以及邮轮使用期间的安全问题。邮轮作为大型客运轮船,其内装材料与普通船舶的内装材料相比,品种更多,工艺与设计也更为繁杂,材料供需关系复杂,物流集配协调难度大。大型豪华邮轮设计建造是一项浩大的工程,以上海外高桥公司正在承接的13.5万总吨国内首艘大型豪华邮轮为例,与内装有关的物量就包括公共区域38000平方米、舱室房间2750个(单元 船上装修)、空调面积7000平方米、主防火门1100扇、管系500km、火警探测点5000个、扬声器8800个,厨房3200平方米、绝缘材料120000平方米、照明点80000个、电缆2500km……[1]可见,内装材料在邮轮建造过程中需求量大且品种多样,因此,内装材料的质量在一定程度上会影响邮轮建造的顺利进行。


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