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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-10-26 22:34:37  

摘 要






With the progress and improvement of the world's shipping technology, container liner transportation shows vigorous vitality and rapid development. In recent years, one belt, one road strategy has been put forward in China's construction of water transportation. The competition among shipping companies has become more intense as well. Therefore, in order to enhance their competitiveness and occupy more market share, the requirements for routes have become strict, which is the significance of route optimization.

Container liner transportation is a kind of operation mode for shipping enterprises to transport goods by sea between the fixed port of call and the fixed route through container ships according to the pre schedule. It is this characteristic of "timing, alignment and port setting". Since the emergence of container liner transportation in the last century, it has been widely concerned and developed rapidly. However, opportunities often face challenges. In China, the shipping market is very good and the shipping policy is loose. Foreign shipping companies have increased their investment. The market competition among shipping companies has become particularly fierce. In order to seek their own survival and development, shipping enterprises must start from the overall situation, and optimize the design of container liner transportation routes by building a reasonable transportation path, choosing a suitable port, and fully deploying ships, so as to reduce operating costs and improve operating efficiency.

The optimization design of container liner routes involves a wide range of factors, which need to consider the interaction of many factors. Among them, the demand of port freight will change with the time when the ship is attached to the port. The uncertain influence brought by the time window cannot be ignored in route optimization, which also increases the complexity of the problem. In this paper, by analyzing the problems existing in the current situation of container liner transportation, the route optimization design is carried out under the influence of time window. Through the establishment of ant colony algorithm model and its application in an example, the results obtained after considering the time window factor of port freight demand are compared and analyzed to verify that under the influence of the time window of port freight demand, it has a certain value for the optimization of container liner routes.

Key words: container liner design、time window、ant colony algorithm

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究综述 1

1.3 研究主要内容与技术线路 2

第2章 集装箱班轮运输航线设计现状分析 5

2.1 集装箱班轮运输航线设计现状 5

2.2 目前存在的问题 12

第3章 基于港口货运需求时间窗的集装箱班轮航线优化模型构建 13

3.1 货运需求时间窗概述 13

3.1.1 时间窗定义 13

3.1.2 时间窗分类 13

3.1.3 时间窗对航线影响 14

3.2 模型构建原则与思路 14

3.3 模型构建方法 14

3.3.1 蚁群算法基本原理 14

3.3.2 蚁群算法特点 15

3.4 模型构建 17

3.4.1 模型已知条件与相关假设 17

3.4.2 模型中涉及符号说明 17

3.4.3 模型构建 18

第4章 实证研究 22

4.1 模型参数确定 22

4.2 实验计算 24

4.3 结果分析 27

第5章 研究结论与展望 28

参考文献 29

附录A 30

附录A1 代码I 30

附录A2 代码II 33

附录A3 代码III 34

致谢 37

第1章 绪论



集装箱班轮运输是班轮运输企业根据预先所制定的船期表,在固定的挂靠港之间,通过以集装箱为运输单元的船舶在固定航线上往返,并进行海上货物运输的一种经营方式。“定时、定线、定港”为其主要特点,并有两种经营模式,一种是“场站到场站”运输(CY - CY),另一种是“门到门”运输(DOOR - DOOR)。


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