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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 社会学类 > 社会工作 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:53:10  

摘 要






With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the number of elderly people in our country is increasing rapidly, and the trend of aging is deepening. At the same time, affected by economic development and national policies, the family elderly care function has weakened, making the traditional family pension model increasingly difficult. Therefore, the problems of daily care of the elderly is more prominent.

In recent years, the development of aging businesses and industries in Wuhan has been accelerating. At the same time, new types of old-age service facilities have been built to meet the needs of the elderly, provide different levels and diversified old-age services, and continue to draw on and innovate to develop localized old-age service models . In order to strengthen the management and supervision of the old-age service facilities within the jurisdiction, improve the quality and level of old-age services, Wuhan Civil Affairs Bureau and other government departments have participated in the evaluation of various types of old-age service facilities by entrusting third-party evaluation agencies. The result of assessment is an important basis for allocating resources. Therefore, the evaluation of third parties needs to be objective, fair and scientific. However, due to the late start of the elderly care service industry in China, it is still developing and improving. The research on the third-party assessment model is conducive to its standardized development, while indirectly promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the elderly care service industry.

This article takes the Wuhan Municipal Pension Service Evaluation Model as an example, use the participation observation method to analyze the pension service evaluation model of the Y institution that undertakes multiple Wuhan pension service evaluation projects. From the process, index system and management of the Y agency pension service evaluation Mechanisms and other aspects to figure the problems in the third-party assessment, and based on the problems to propose relevant optimization paths, improve the professionalism and scientific nature of the third-party assessment. Thereby promoting the comprehensive development of elderly care facilities, providing more efficient and high-quality service.

Keywords:elderly care;third-party assessment;assessment process

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1 国外相关研究 1

1.2.2 国内相关研究 2

1.2.3 研究现状简评 3

1.3 研究的内容框架 3

1.4 概念界定:第三方养老服务评估 4

1.5 研究思路与研究方法 4

1.5.1 研究思路 4

1.5.2 研究方法 4

第2章 Y机构第三方养老评估现状研究 6

2.1 背景 6

2.2 养老服务评估项目基本情况 6

2.3 评估中的相关主体 6

2.3.1 评估利益相关方 7

2.3.2 独立第三方 8

2.4 养老服务评估流程 8

2.4.1 确定评估相关信息 8

2.4.2 制定评估实施方案 10

2.4.3 评估准备 11

2.4.4 实地评估 14

2.4.5 整理分析数据 16

2.4.6 撰写评估报告 17

2.4.7 结项 18

第3章 Y机构养老服务评估特点及问题分析 19

3.1 Y机构养老服务评估特点 19

3.1.1 服务购买方导向 19

3.1.2 长远规划与短期实效相结合 19

3.1.3 专业化发展缓慢 19

3.2 养老服务评估存在的问题 20

3.2.1 评估指标合理性存在问题 20

3.2.2 评估主体之间地位的不平等 21

3.2.3 评估主体之间存在矛盾冲突 21

3.2.4 社会大众参与度不高 22

3.2.5 服务评估方独立性不足 22

3.2.6 评估人员专业性和稳定性不强 23

第4章 Y机构养老服务评估问题优化路径 24

4.1 机构内部优化路径 24

4.1.1 借助多方力量完善评估指标体系 24

4.1.2 加强评估人员专业化培训 24

4.1.3 提高评估人员待遇,降低人员流失率 25

4.1.4 建立信息公开制度 25

4.2 机构外部优化路径 25

4.2.1 提高社会大众对第三方评估工作的认识 25

4.2.2 建立完善的监督体系 26

结 语 27

参考文献 28

附 录 30

附录A:养老服务评估访谈提纲 30

致 谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义



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