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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:26:40  

摘 要

Abstract II

1 引论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究线路和研究方法 2

1.3.1 研究线路 2

1.3.2 研究方法 3

1.4 可能的创新点 3

2 文献综述 5

2.1 银行流动性创造 5

2.2 流动性创造与货币政策 6

2.3商业银行同业业务与流动性创造 7

2.4 对文献的简短评价 7

2.5 本文的研究假设 8

3 研究设计 9

3.1研究变量的设定 9

3.2 数据收集与样本挑选 11

3.3 实证模型 12

3.4 描述性统计 13

4 实证结果分析 14

4.1 货币政策对流动性创造的影响 14

4.2 同业业务对货币政策传导的异质性影响 16

4.3 稳健性检验 18

5 结论与建议 19

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

摘 要







The financial crisis is inevitable, and several financial crises have also focused on the core issues of bank liquidity creation. Since the financial crisis, the issue of liquidity creation has played an increasingly important role in a country's financial stability. In China, the research on liquidity creation is still in its infancy and shallow level. The main content of this article regards the issue of liquidity creation in commercial banks as the core of research. Under the asymmetric influence of interbank business, whether there is a certain type of significant relationship.

In the first part, this article glances and generalizes the literatures at home and abroad, which are about the creation of bank liquidity and monetary policy. Combined with the research directions of multiple subdivisions, it is considered that there is the possibility of continuing research on the participation of interbank business. Secondly, the mechanism of monetary policy is affected by the asymmetry of interbank business. This paper constructs indicators to measure the interbank and non-interbank liquidity creation of commercial banks, and takes the participation of interbank business and the type of monetary policy as two important variables,to analyze whether monetary policy is heterogeneous to bank liquidity creation, and examine how interbank business under different monetary policies affects the growth rate of bank liquidity creation. The innovation of this article is that one is to use unit liquidity creation when analyzing the effectiveness, the other is to compare and analyze the impact of monetary policy on the creation of two groups of different types of liquidity, and the third is to use a new liquidity participation degree grouping method.

The research conclusions show that: First, structure and the quantitative trend of liquidity creation of different commercial banks are all affected by monetary policy. The shows that monetary policy impact has the opposite direction to the total interbank liquidity creation of the major commercial banks, and the impact on the total and non-interbank liquidity creation is the same in direction. Secondly, under the asymmetric effects of interbank business. The effect of monetary policy is heterogeneous for banks with different interbank business depths. Which is further manifested as loose monetary policy that decreases the inter-bank liquidity creation rate of high- participation banks,however ,increases the one of low-participation bank

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