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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-13 20:07:45  

摘 要





In recent years, as a financial tool to promote the development of green economy , green bonds is developing rapidly. Green bond market has just started in our country. Green bond market development is helpful to the green transformation of economy in our country. In this paper, the opportunities and challenges in the development of green bonds market in China is analyzed. The obtained conclusions and proposed recommendations has a certain significance in promoting the development of Chinese green bonds market.

This article firstly analyzes green bonds market, elaborating the meaning ,characteristics classification and function of green bonds, studying green bond international market development and the current situation of green bonds in China. This article focuses on analyzing green bond market development facing opportunities and challenges in our country. This paper adopts the marketing external environment analysis method---PEST, pointing out the current our country green bond market facing enormous opportunities in the policy , economy, society and technology . In research on the challenge for the green bond market, this article, from two aspects of green bonds itself and the external environment, points out that the green bond market development are faced with problems in China. Finally, using the experience of the international green bond market development, aiming at the problems of developing green bonds market in our country ,this article makes proposals for green bonds market in China.  

Key Words:green bonds,opportunity,challenge, PEST Analysis Approach


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1选题背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2 国内外文献综述 1

1.3 研究方法与研究思路概述 3

1.3.1研究方法 3

1.3.2研究思路 3

第2章 绿色债券市场概述 4

2.1绿色债券的含义及特点 4

2.1.1绿色债券的含义 4

2.1.2绿色债券的特点 4

2.2绿色债券的分类 5

2.2.1按照债券性质不同 5

2.2.2按照发行主体不同 5

2.2.3按绿色债券结构不同 6

2.3绿色债券的作用 7

2.4绿色债券市场国际发展情况 7

2.4.1发行规模增长 7

2.4.2发行主体和投资者多元化 8

2.4.3资金投向多 9

2.4.4发展绿色债券措施全面 9

2.5我国绿色债券市场现状 9

2.5.1绿色债券现有规模 9

2.5.2绿色债券品种 10

2.5.3绿色债券参与者类型 11

第3章 我国绿色债券市场发展面临的机遇分析 12

3.1政策环境方面 12

3.1.1我国生态环保政策不断出台 12

3.1.2环境税改革 13

3.1.3地方债券和公司债券市场改革 14

3.1.4绿色债券规则逐步完善 14

3.2经济环境方面 15

3.2.1我国债券市场潜力巨大 15

3.2.2绿色经济转型的资金需求 15

3.2.3绿色信贷基础 17

3.2.4利率市场化加速 17

3.3社会文化方面 18

3.3.1绿色环保意识与日俱增 18

3.3.2企业社会责任 19

3.3.3市场舆论约束 19

3.3.4环境NGO的发展 19

3.4技术环境方面 19

3.4.1“金融大数据”分析手段 20

3.4.2“互联网 金融” 20

第4章 我国绿色债券市场发展面临的挑战分析 21

4.1绿色债券自身内部问题 21

4.1.1绿色债券产品少 21

4.1.2票面利率吸引力不足 21

4.2绿色债券外部环境挑战 21

4.2.1绿色金融工具普及度问题 21

4.2.2市场基础设施不完善 22

4.2.3风险监管规则与落实 22

4.2.4面临体制机制问题 23

第5章 促进我国绿色债券市场发展建议 24

5.1加强绿色债券产品创新 24

5.2建立管理者激励机制 24

5.3推动绿色投资理念 25

5.4完善市场基础设施 25

5.5加强金融监管 25

5.6加快发展互联网金融 26

第6章结论与展望 27

6.1全文总结 27

6.2研究展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第1章 绪论





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