2021-10-12 22:16:40
摘 要
Social work has gone through years of development, professionalism has been greatly improved, but there are still many difficulties. In the current process of social work practice, social work services are increasingly showing game tendency and entertainment tendency. In other words, social workers in carrying out the service, simply do a few games, or to carry out several style gathering activities. Without these activities of social work theoretical guidance and guidance of the scientific method, which leads to difficulty in solving problems of main case in essence. The effect of the lack of professional services, effectiveness, sustainability leading to social services is difficult to solve the problem in essence. But why is there such a tendency? What negative impact will it bring? And how to overcome? There is no relevant research on these issues. So, according to this research about social work service on the current game tendency and entertainment tendency, we will explore the reason, the harm and the coping strategies.
This study takes Wuhan city as an example, using the methods of literature research, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview to study the tendency of the game and entertainment in the social work service of Wuhan city. First of all, the current research status of the current domestic and international social work field is reviewed, and the concept of social work service game and entertainment tendency is defined; Secondly, the literature and the findings were analyzed, focusing on interpretation of Wuhan City social work service games, entertainment tendency of the status quo, initially formed to explore the causes and hazards; Finally, we will put forward specific coping strategies based on the analysis of the reasons.
Key Words:Social work; Social work services; The game tendency; The entertainment tendency
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.1.1理论意义 1
1.1.2现实意义 1
1.2研究思路与研究方法 1
1.2.1 研究思路 1
1.2.2研究方法 2
1.3 论文结构安排 2
第2章 国内外研究现状述评及相关概念界定 4
2.1国外研究现状 4
2.2国内研究现状 5
2.3相关概念界定 6
2.3.1社会工作 6
2.3.2社会工作服务的专业化 6
2.3.3社会工作服务游戏化、娱乐化 7
第3章 社会工作服务游戏化、娱乐化倾向的现状分析 9
3.1社会工作服务游戏化娱乐化倾向的表现 9
3.1.1服务主题错位 9
3.1.2游戏路径依赖 10
3.1.3技术手段缺失 11
3.1.4服务效果不足 12
3.2社会工作服务游戏化娱乐化倾向产生的原因 13
3.2.1社工个人因素 13
3.2.2社工机构因素 14
3.2.3服务购买主体因素 15
3.2.4 服务对象因素 16
3.3社会工作服务游戏化娱乐化倾向的危害 16
3.3.1社工服务效果弱化 16
3.3.3社工专业人才流失 17
3.3.2.社工公众形象降低 17
3.3.4.社工职业属性偏离 17
第4章 社会工作服务游戏化娱乐化倾向的对策研究 19
4.1政策维度 19
4.2机构维度 19
4.3社工维度 20
第5章 结论 21
参考文献 23
致谢 25
附录 26
第1章 绪论
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