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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 人文地理与城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-10-06 12:31:45  

摘 要





Now the trend of global economic development continues to spread, in this context, the development of economic, social and cultural aspects of our country gradually entered the continuous progress and development of a process. Regional culture is the result of the deposition and accumulation of time continued to tick away in the continuous development process in the region are gradually play generated culture with characteristics of these specific areas within a certain area is formed, reflecting the region's history the continuous development of characteristic interpersonal relationships between embodied people like. Since the development of the region will be composed of different cultures and different regions produce different shades and direction of development. Interaction between regional culture and regional economy, the mutual influence of regional culture on the one hand for the development of the region with their spiritual support or support of faith, on the other hand because of the conservative nature of some areas and too closed, unwilling to accept good culture in other regions, so instead of regional development will stagnate.

Positive interaction between culture and promote regional economic development is rapid, an important force for sustainable development, the cultural and regional society-economic development of regional coordination, the development of a regional letter of major research topic to be addressed. In this paper, the role of its regional cultural development of the region were explored.

Key Words:regional culture,regional development,effect

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究思路和研究方法 2

1.3.1研究思路 2

1.3.2研究方法 3

第2章 文化与区域文化 4

2.1文化 4

2.2文化与经济发展的关系 4

2.2.1经济能决定文化 4

2.2.2文化能影响经济发展 4

2.3区域文化 5

2.3.1区域文化的形成 5

2.3.2区域文化的特征 6

2.3.3区域文化的内涵 6

2.3.4区域文化研究的内容 6

2.3.5区域文化与区域经济的相互关系 7

第3章 区域文化对区域发展的影响方式 8

3.1区域文化具有推动性 8

3.2区域文化具有导向性 8

3.3区域文化具有凝聚性 8

第4章 实例分析——长三角区域文化和协调度关系分析 10

4.1城乡发展协调度评价的指标与公式 10

4.2长江三角洲城乡发展协调度评价 11

4.3长江三角洲城乡发展协调度分类 13

4.4区域文化与城市发展协调度的关系 13

第5章 区域文化产业与区域发展的关系 14

5.1统计分析——区域文化产业与区域经济发展的关系 14

5.2区域文化产业与区域产业机构发展的关系 16

5.2.1文化产业与区域产业结构优化 16

5.2.2文化产业的经济联动效应 16

第6章 结论 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 20

第1章 绪论






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