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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 人文地理与城乡规划 > 正文


 2021-09-06 07:09:54  

摘 要




In order to quantitatively analyze the sustainability of provincial ecological economic system.Emergy theory and analysis method was used to analyze the situation of emergy about China's 30 provinces of ecological economic system between 1994 to 2014.And used emergy currency ratio, emergy yield ratio, emergy use per person, environmental loading ratio, environmental loading capacity and emergy index for sustainable development to analyze the structure, efficiency,the effect of economic to environment and sustainability of ecological economic system.The results showed that:Emergy currency ratio decreased year by year, a high level of economic development, the ECR of Shanghai was highest and Qinghai was lowest;the average of countryside was 3.77×1012sej/¥ between 1994 to 2014.Emergy yield ratio reduced , the EYR of Shanghai was lowest and Qinghai was highest ;the average of countryside was 406.48 between 1994 to 2014,and the efficiency of ecological reduced year after year,but economic development at the expense of natural resources and damaging the environment.Emergy use per person increased, people's living standards and quality of life improved steadily, the average of countryside was 4.73×1016sej/person between 1994 to 2014,but the gap between rich and poor was bigger.Environmental loading ratio increased, the pressure of economic activity on the ecological environment increased every year.The total population was much higher than environmental loading capacity, natural resources can not meet human needs.Sustainability weaken gradually from the southeast coast to the northwest inland,the average of countryside is 4.49×1017 between 1994 to 2014, human long-term development had big challenge.

Key Words:Emergy analysis;Ecological economic system;Sustainable development


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究进展 1

1.2.1能值研究的国外进展 1

1.2.2能值研究的国内进展 2

1.3能值分析基本理论 3

1.3.1 能值分析的基本概念 3

1.3.2 能值分析的基本指标 4

1.3.3 能值分析的应用意义 4

1.3.4 能量分析和能值分析 5

第2章 研究区概况和研究方法 6

2.1 研究区概况 6

2.1.1 自然社会经济概况 6

2.1.2 省域能值分析概述 6

2.2 研究方法 7

2.2.1 能值分析方法 7

2.2.2 可持续性指标 7

2.2.3 整体思路 9

2.3 数据来源及处理 10

2.3.1 数据来源 10

2.3.2 数据处理 10

第3章 1994-2014年中国省域生态经济系统分析 11

3.1 能量流动与能值分析 11

3.1.1 能量流动分析 11

3.1.2 能值分析 11

3.2 1994-2014中国省域经济子系统的分析 13

3.3 1994-2014中国省域生态子系统分析 17

3.4 1994-2014中国省域社会子系统分析 19

3.5 1994-2014中国省域社会-生态-经济复合系统分析 22

3.6 1994-2014中国省域可持续性分析 28

第4章 结语 32

4.1 结论 32

4.2 不足及展望 33

4.2.1 不足 33

4.2.2 展望 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35

第1章 绪论



20世纪80年代后期,美国著名生态学家H.T.Odum 提出能值理论与分析方法[[1]]。能值分析把能物流、信息流、人口流和货币流等内在关系联系起来,统一生态、社会和经济等系统,并进行定量分析其真实价值和本质联系[[2]]。能值分析将生态经济系统中的一切物质按照一定的转换规律,统一为同一单位sej进行计算分析,其衡量价值高于货币和能量的评价水平。因能值分析具有生态经济意义,作为一种纽带联结生态学和经济学,受到生态学界、经济学界及政府决策者的极大关注[[3]]。目前,能值分析应用于多个领域,能值分析方法也是可持续评价研究的方法之一。

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