2021-08-27 22:41:47
摘 要
文章研究我国养老保险基金的投资运营方向,结合当前时代背景,对完善基金投资运营提出切实可行的建议,选题对于理论与现实都有重大意义。论文的第一章是绪论,介绍了论文的研究背景及内容、国内外研究现状和养老保险基金基础概念;第二章论述了我国养老保险基金投资运营的发展现状与问题,涉及筹资模式、保值增值、监管等内容;第三章阐述国外社会养老保险基金投资运营的经验借鉴,典型国家如美国、新加坡大、智利的养老保险制度和养老保险基金投资运营现状;第四章阐述了有效投资运营社会养老保险基金的建议,主要从投资运营原则、方式、策略 ,管体四个方面来阐述。第五章是结论,综合论述了文章的大致思路。
Pension is one of the cores of the social security system,which is directly Related with social stability and economic development.The investing operation of the pension insurance fund is important to maintain and increase the value of the pension insurance, and an effective investment operation of it is the basic ensuring factor that leads to the sustainable development of China's pension system.Chinese pension fund consists of three parts. The first is our state social security fund controlled by the government, second is basic pension funds, the third is supplementary pension.the scale of pension fund is increasing rapidly.
This paper aims to study Investment and Operation of Pension Funds, with the current background, perfect Funds Investment practical recommendations and opinions, topics of great theoretical and practical significance. The first chapter is the introduction part introduces the research background, research content, research status and basic concepts of Pension Fund paper; The second chapter summarizes the development status and problems of pension fund investment operations, involving financing mode, increasing the value, regulatory and other content; the third chapter, learn from foreign experience in social endowment insurance fund investment operations, typical countries such as the United States, Great Singapore, Chile's pension system pension insurance fund current situation and investment operations; Chapter 4 describes effective investment operations recommendations retirement social security funds, mainly from investment operations principles, methods, strategies, tube four aspects to elaborate. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, a synthesis of the general idea of the article.
Suggestions to improve the final results article of the basic pension insurance fund investment operation, first clear social endowment insurance fund investment operation principle, timely select social endowment insurance fund investment, fund management institutions to implement such as a single, Foundations, Foundations other models; then optimize the social pension insurance fund's investment strategy, investment and financial innovation requires combined indexation of investment, trust and other investment products; and finally perfect old insurance fund regulatory system and establish an effective evaluation system.
Key words:pension insurance funds;Investment and operation;Investment combination;Keep value and increment
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 文章研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 文章研究内容和方法 2
1.4养老保险基金基本概念 3
1.4.1公共—基本养老保险基金 3
1.4.2私人—个人储蓄型养老保险金 3
1.4.3企业年金—企业补充养老保险 4
第2章 社会养老保险基金投资运营相关概述 5
2.1 社会养老保险基金投资运营的现状 5
2.1.1社会养老保险基金的筹资模式【5】 5
2.1.2社会统筹与个人账户相结合的基本养老保险制度 6
2.1.3社会养老保险基金的保值增值 7
2.2.4社会养老保险基金的监管 8
2.2 社会养老保险基金的投资运营存在的问题 8
2.2.1统筹层次较低 8
2.2.2个人账户“空账”运行 9
2.2.3投资渠道单一 9
2.2.4 缺乏有效监督机制 10
第3章 国外社会养老保险基金投资运营的情况 11
3.1 美国社会养老保险基金投资运营分析 11
3.1.1美国的三支柱养老金体系 11
3.1.2对我国的借鉴 11
3.2新加坡社会养老保险基金投资运营分析 12
3.2.1私有公营的中央公积金的投资运营方式 12
3.2.2 对我国的借鉴 12
3.3智利社会养老保险基金投资运营分析 13
3.3.1私有私营的智利的投资运营方式 13
3.3.2 对我国的借鉴 13
第4章 有效投资运营社会养老保险基金的建议 14
4.1明晰社会养老保险基金投资运营原则 14
4.1.1 安全性原则 14
4.1.2 收益性原则 14
4.1.3流动性原则 14
4.1.4社会性原则 15
4.2基金投资运营的管理模式与选择 15
4.2.1单一机构实施基金管理 15
4.2.2基金会管理 16
4.2.3基金管理公司进行管理 16
4.3优化社会养老保险基金的投资策略 16
4.3.1养老保险基金投资的理念 16
4.3.2投资与金融创新相结合 17
4.4完善养老保险基金投资监管体系 17
4.4.1健全的基金投资监督体系 17
4.4.2建立健全法规体系 18
第5章 结论 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
第1章 绪论
1.1 文章研究背景与意义
养老保险是社会保障中重要内容,在民生中占有重要地位,影响范围非常广,当前我国的养老保险体制仍处于“转变轨道”过程中,1991 年,国务院颁布《关于企业职工养老保险改革的决定》,打开了中国养老保险改革的第一枪;1993 年,中共十四届三中全会首次提出了建立“社会统筹与个人账户相结合的社会养老保险制度”;1997年 7 月国务院出台《关于建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》,标志着中国特色的养老保险制度的建立。目前我国迎来了“银色浪潮”,老龄化问题严重。根据2015年统计数据显示,2014年老年人口增长约1000万,达2.12亿,截至2014年底,我国60周岁及以上老年人口21242万人,占总人口的15.5%,65周岁及以上人口13755万人,占总人口的10.1%。老龄化问题的严峻性要求我们必须高度重视。
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