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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 编辑出版学 > 正文


 2021-06-25 01:50:10  

摘 要

新媒体(New media)这一概念,最早由美国哥伦比亚广播电视研究所所长戈尔德玛克提出。随着21世纪初互联网的兴起,紧接其后的移动互联网、手机、e-Book的各种新的传播技术与媒介的形态的出现。新媒体,一边成为市场追捧的热点,一边学术界对其关注也是热度不减。


而本人所计划研究的课题——论新媒体出版的盈利模式——又是一个学科交叉的课题,在面对这样的学术研究现状,在自己的研究中试图弥补现在研究的不足,取长补短,兼顾两种学术研究的视角。面对新媒体出版盈利模式这一课题,本文采取理论分析与案例研究的方法,本文在第一章先从传播学的视角出发,对新媒体做一个概念的源溯与厘清,然后本文的第二、第三、第四章分别选取数字出版(digital publishing amp; e-Book)、自媒体(及social media)、互联网(视频网站)为研究对象,进行案例分析,在这些案例分析的基础上,在运用经济学理论,从媒体“二次营销”的角度出发对新媒体盈利模式做出一个归纳与总结,构建出一个简单的新媒体盈利模型,并依据这个模式对一些新媒体形式(知乎)作出了一些建设性的建议和构想。



New media (New media) the concept first proposed by CBS Television Institute Gold MACK. With the rise of the early 21st century the Internet, immediately followed by the mobile Internet, mobile phones, a variety of new communication technologies and media forms of e-Book appears. New media, while the market hot pursuit, while its focus on academics is alive.

New media, and new media as well as related digital publishing, the Internet, social media integration and new concepts such as objects and phenomena has been a hot research. However, review of existing academic research at home and abroad, the new media, there are two tendencies, one based on communication theory research Communication Perspective, a market-based economic theory of industry analysis. Based on the analysis tends to spread the concept and theory of sources dating back to clarify its core research and development aims to complement existing communication theory, and practice of media and slightly neglected. And based on the analysis of economic theory, it focuses its practice, at the same time, the object of study is just a new medium in an industry, such as Amazon's e-book market research, Apple iBook research, or is a national digital publishing the study, to say the least, this model is the study has many limitations, since many types of new media, this single study to choose one, it is easy to generalize the same time, digital publishing economy but with very different patterns between the media from publishing.

And he planned research topic - On the new media publishing profit model - is a disciplinary issue, the status quo in the face of such academic research in their study attempted to compensate for the lack of current research, learn from each other, taking into account Perspective two kinds of academic research. Faced with the new media publishing profit model this subject, this paper adopted the method of theoretical analysis and case study, this article in the first chapter of the Communication Perspective start of view, the new media to do a concept of traceability and clarify the source, then the first article Second, third, fourth chapter select digital publishing (digital publishing amp; e-Book), from the media (and social media), internet (video site) for the study, a case study, based on analysis of these cases, in the use of economic theory, from the media, "secondary marketing" point of view of the new media to make a profit model induction and summary, construct a simple model of new media earnings, and based on this model for some of the new forms of media (known almost ) made some constructive suggestions and ideas.

Key Words:new media;profit model;self-media;digital publish

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究的背景 1

1.1.2 研究的意义 2

1.2 文献综述 2

1.3 研究方法与框架 5

第2章 对新媒体概念与相关经济理论的探析 6

2.1 新媒体的定义与界定 6

2.1.1 新媒体的定义 6

2.1.2 新媒体的界定 7

2.1.3 新媒体的主要类型 7

2.2 盈利模式 8

2.3 媒体“二次营销”及相关理论 9

第3章 数字出版(Digital publishingamp;e-book) 10

3.1 数字出版Digital publishing 10

3.1.1 前言 10

3.1.2 亚马逊的电子书商业模式 10

3.2 电子书出版生态分析 11

3.2.1 利益链、利益分配 11

3.2.1 内容链 13

3.3 数字出版生态中的新物种及发展 14

3.4 电子书部分小结 16

3.5 数字期刊和信息聚合平台 17

3.5.1 电子杂志 18

3.5.2 信息聚合平台 19

3.5.3 学术期刊论文等 19

第4章 自媒体/social media 20

4.1 自媒体与social media 20

4.2 微博 21

4.2.1 新浪微博的盈利模式 21

4.2.2 新浪微博平台的盈利模式 22

4.2.3 新浪微博平台自媒体的盈利模式 22

4.3 微信公众平台 23

4.3.1 微信公众平台的盈利模式 23

第5章 互联网视频网站 26

5.1 国内视频媒体现状 26

5.2 国内主流视频平台分析 26

5.2.1 优酷土豆、腾讯 26

5.2.2 爱奇艺、乐视 26

5.2.3 A站、B站 27

5.3 直播平台 27

5.3.1 目前直播平台的盈利模式 28

5.3.2 目前直播平台主播的盈利模式 29

第6章 分析与总结 30

6.1 综合分析 30

6.1.1 概述 30

6.1.2 新媒体的二次营销 30

6.1.3 新媒体的基本盈利模型 33

6.1.4 对基本盈利模型的应用(以知乎等为例) 33

6.2 总结 35

参考文献 36

致谢 36

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义


新媒体(New media)这一概念,最早由美国哥伦比亚广播电视网研究所所长戈尔德玛克提出。随着21世纪初,互联网的兴起、紧接其后的移动互联网、手机、e-Book的各种新的传播技术与媒介的形态的出现。新媒体,一边成为市场追捧的热点,一边学术界对其关注也是热度不减。


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