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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-05-25 21:43:55  

摘 要

集装箱铁水联运能够有效减少货物运输时间,降低运输费用 ,减少环境污染。因为武汉是长江中游航运中心,铁路干线网络四通八达,而且有吴家山铁路集装箱中心站和武汉新港巨大的集装箱吞吐量作为支撑, 所以武汉新港具备良好的集装箱铁水联运条件。2014年,武汉新港集装箱铁水联运线路开始试运营,但由于集装箱中心站与港口相距较远,水路与铁路运输衔接不畅,所以需要依赖政府补贴,市场生存能力弱。因此本文的主要研究目的就是寻找合适的位置建设铁路集装箱中转站以更好地实现铁水联运的无缝衔接。





Rail-water intermodal transport of container can shorten the time of transit, reduce transport cost and reduce environmental pollution. Wuhan is the Middle Yangtze River shipping center, railway network extends in all directions, and there are Wujiashan rail container terminal and great container throughput of Wuhan Newport as a support, so Wuhan Newport has good conditions for rail-water intermodal transport of container. In 2014, the line of Wuhan New Port Rail-water intermodal transport of container is already running, but because of the container center terminal is far away from harbor, waterways and railways is in poor connection, it is necessary to rely on government subsidies which leads to weak market competitiveness. So the main objective of this thesis is to find a suitable location to construct railway container transfer station in order to better achieve seamless rail-water intermodal transport of container.

On the basis of analysis of the status of rail-water intermodal transport of container in Wuhan Newport, taking into the relevant factors influencing site selection of the railway container transfer station , the paper proposes three alternatives; Based on the requirements of site selection of rail container transfer station for rail-water intermodal transport of container , considering the characteristics of each program, this paper builds the evaluation index system; Using AHP to determine the weight of each index, and then using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to compare several alternatives election, recommended program is gotten finally.

This study can provide a reference for the site selection of rail container transfer station for rail-water intermodal transport of container in Wuhan Newport, help to improve the competitiveness of rail-water intermodal transport of container, optimize the collection and distribution structure of Wuhan Newport, is conducive to the formation of new container transport corridors of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, to ease the pressure of the Three Gorges for lacking passing capacity ,highlight the status of Wuhan as Middle Yangtze River shipping center,

Key Words: Rail-water intermodal transport ; Container transfer station; Site selection ; Analytic hierarchy process (AHP); Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 3

1.3研究内容与技术路线 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2技术路线 4

第2章 武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址方案 6

2.1武汉新港集装箱铁水联运现状 6

2.1.1运营现状 6

2.1.2货物流向现状 6

2.1.3铁水联运组织方式现状 6

2.2武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址影响因素 7

2.2.1自然坏境因素 7

2.2.2社会经济因素 8

2.2.3交通条件 8

2.3 武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址备选方案 9

2.3.1武汉新港各港区功能定位 9

2.3.2阳逻港区基本概况 10

2.3.3阳逻港区集装箱吞吐量预测 10

2.3.4备选方案 12

第3章 武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址评价指标体系 15

3.1 指标体系建立原则 15

3.2 指标体系构建 15

3.2.1指标体系框架 16

3.2.2评价指标解释 17

3.2.3指标等级划分及标准 20

第4章 武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址方案评价 23

4.1评价方法选择 23

4.1.1评价方法概述 23

4.1.2评价方法筛选原则 23

4.1.3评价方法确定 23

4.2 评价模型构建 24

4.2.1层次分析法 24

4.2.2模糊综合评价法 26

4.3评价指标计算 27

4.3.1确定指标权重 27

4.3.2确定各指标的隶属度 29

4.4评价结果分析 33

第5章 结论与展望 34

5.1结论 34

5.2展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 36

附录A:武汉新港铁路集装箱中转站选址影响因素比较专家评判表 37

附录B:备选方案各项指标模糊评价矩阵(请九位相关专家打分) 43

第1章 绪论





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