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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-05-18 23:11:58  

摘 要

现在城市化程度加快,同时,交通需求量也正在不断的增加。这不只是带来了交通拥堵的现象,并且也造成停车设施严重不够的问题和轿车乱停错放等严重问题。目前我国许多城市恶停车设施都普遍存在一些大问题,如停车设施总量严重短缺, 很多停车设施比例不平衡,规划布局不够规范,使用率低,而且设置不合理,街道随意停车问题严重等。根本原因之一是缺少科学的规划理论与方法。为了应对这些停车供需的矛盾,在加速城市停车设施的建设的同时还要着重对城市做一些深入的立体停车设施规划研究。





     With the acceleration of urbanization, motorization level rising rapidly increasing traffic demand. This is not only bring traffic congestion problems, but also a serious lack of parking facilities, vehicles other issues. Parking is an important part of urban transportation infrastructure. At present many common problems of urban parking facilities: a serious shortage of the total parking, various parking imbalance, layout and unreasonable, inefficient use of roadside parking freely is serious and so on. The parking problem, there are reasons for parking and parking management policies, but also one of the root causes of the lack of scientific planning theory and method. In order to solve outstanding parking supply and demand, accelerating the construction of urban parking facilities at the same time, should the urban parking facilities planning and in-depth study.

     This paper will analyze the present conditions of the urban traffic flow, parking lots on Urban Planning were analyzed. Parking demand forecasting analysis is an important part of urban parking planning methods, urban planning urban parking parking supply scale based on quantitative analysis. Parking supply is affected by many factors in determining the size of city parking supply, should strive to meet the parking demand, meanwhile, should consider other factors. This paper discusses the parking system has universal function, and analyzing public places and personal parking lot at the same time, focusing on their functional requirements contrast differences. Proposed feature suggestions for the existing traffic flow characteristics which should be developed for parking equipment.

     In this paper, research projects carried out case studies, we summarize the current situation of Wuhan parking facilities and deposit

In question, and then under the overall urban planning, analysis and distribution of the parking needs of the future planning of the city, it puts forward the development strategy of Wuhan public and private parking facilities, parking and urban policy and The level of detail in planning the layout of parking and land-use planning recommendations. Papers will help improve Wuhan City parking situation, will also provide the basis for future construction and management of parking lots within a certain time.

 Keywords: traffic flow;parking equipment;functional requirements.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景、研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外立体停车场发展现状 2

1.2.1 国外立体停车场发展现状 2

1.2.2 国内立体停车场发展现状 2

1.3本文研究的主要内容和方法 4

第2章 交通流理论框架 5

2.1交通流的概念 5

2.2交通流分析理论框架 5

2.1.1交通流简述 5

2.2.2交通流参数 6

第3章 立体停车设备具有的普遍性功能 11

3.1立体停车设备概要 11

3.1.1机械式立体停车库的定义 11

2.1.1 立体停车设备的组成 11

2.1.2 立体停车设备的种类 11

3.2立体停车设备具有的普遍性功能 13

3.2.1 立体车库的优点 13

3.2.2立体车库的普遍性功能 14

第4章 立体停车设备功能与交通流 17

4.1交通流与立体停车设备逻辑关系分析 17

4.2 基于交通流特征的立体停车设备功能需求分析 17

4.2.1确认相关的功能需求 17

4.2.2问卷的设计 17

4.2.3 问卷的数据统计与分析 18

4.2.4 主要结论与建议 21

第5章 总结与展望 25

5.1总结 25

5.2 展望 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景、研究目的及意义

1.1.1 选题背景



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