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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 工程力学 > 正文


 2021-04-21 23:33:33  

摘 要





The design content of this design is a simple-supported girder bridge with cross-beams and reinforced concrete T-sections. The span is calculated to be 25m. The calculated load is a grade I road load, with sidewalks. The instructions mainly describe the structure and calculation process of each part of the bridge make design instructions.

The structural design of the superstructure, including the bridge girder main beam structure, bridge deck, sidewalks, cross-beams and other detailed structures, is performed first, then the reinforcement design is performed through corresponding internal force calculations, and strength, stress, deformation and other calculations are performed. Then for the substructure, including the structural design of bearings, bridge piers, foundations, and foundations, reinforcement calculations are also performed through internal force calculations, and strength, stability, eccentricity, and other calculations are performed to ensure that all design contents conform to the specification requirements and The corresponding calculation diagrams and tables are added to the calculation process. At the same time, application of AUTOCAD drawing software to draw the structural details of each component and reinforcement map.

Keywords: simple-supported beam bridge; structural design;

internal force combination; section reinforcement; verification


第1章 绪论 1

第2章 主梁设计 2

2.1主梁结构设计 2

2.1.1主梁布置 2

2.1.2主梁尺寸及材料 2

2.1.3横隔梁尺寸及材料 2

2.1.4桥面设计 2

2.2主梁结构内力计算 3

2.2.1主梁恒载内力计算 3

2.2.2主梁活载内力计算 5

2.2.3内力组合 16

2.3主梁配筋 19

2.3.1主梁正截面配筋计算 19

2.3.2主梁斜截面配筋计算 21

2.3.3正截面及斜截面验算 23

2.3.4构造要求及钢筋汇总 24

2.4主梁验算 24

2.4.1活载挠度验算 24

2.4.2预拱度计算 25

2.4.3裂缝验算 25

第3章 横隔梁设计 27

3.1确定作用在中横隔梁上的计算荷载 27

3.2绘制中横隔梁内力影响线 27

3.3横隔梁内力计算 29

3.4横隔梁配筋 30

3.4.1中横隔梁配筋 30

3.4.2端横隔梁配筋 31

3.5横隔梁连接 32

第4章 桥面板设计 33

4.1桥面板内力计算 33

4.1.1恒载及其内力计算 33

4.1.2活载及其内力计算 33

4.1.3内力组合 35

4.2桥面板配筋 35

4.3人行道设计 36

4.3.1荷载计算及内力组合 36

4.3.2人行道配筋 37

4.4栏杆配筋 37

第5章 弧形钢板支座设计 38

5.1确定支座反力 38

5.2确定垫板尺寸 38

5.2.1平面尺寸 38

5.2.2垫板厚度 39

5.2.3下垫板的弧面半径 39

5.3验算齿板抗剪强度 39

第6章 桥墩设计 41

6.1桥墩结构设计 41

6.1.1墩帽尺寸 41

6.1.2墩身尺寸 42

6.2重力式桥墩验算 42

6.2.1计算截面选择 42

6.2.2荷载计算统计 42

6.2.3墩身强度验算 43

6.2.4偏心距验算 46

6.2.5墩顶水平位移验算 48

第7章 基础设计 49

7.1确定基础埋深 49

7.2基础底面尺寸设计 49

7.2.1拟定基础平面尺寸 49

7.2.2基础底面承载力验算 50

7.2.3沉降验算 50

7.3基础设计 50

7.3.1确定基础高度 50

7.3.2基础配筋 52

7.4基础稳定性验算 54

7.4.1抗倾覆稳定性验算 54

7.4.2抗滑移稳定性验算 54

参考文献 56

致 谢 58

第1章 绪论



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