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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2021-04-19 01:18:31  

摘 要







Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure technology is the cutting-edge technology of today's intelligent transportation systems, and it is one of the major research directions for the development of intelligent transportation in the future. In order to make full use of the characteristics of the Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System, the vehicle can safely and efficiently pass through the signalized intersection under the condition of road and road coordination. Therefore, this paper develops the space-time collaborative optimization of the signalized intersection under the conditions of vehicle-road coordination.

Firstly, this paper systematically analyzes the intersection information under the condition of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System. The information requirements of vehicles at intersections are divided into location information requirements, direction information requirements, distance information requirements, speed information requirements, and traffic volume information requirements. Then, based on the information requirements of the intersection under the condition of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System, the intersection function zone is defined. Then, based on the division of the functional areas at the intersection, a roadside sensor deployment scheme for the functional area of ​​the intersection is designed.

Secondly, based on the characteristics of real-time information interaction in the vehicle-road cooperative system, based on the consideration of safety distance and lane changing behavior, the vehicle speed guiding model with the average travel time at the intersection as the optimization goal is designed.

Finally, the secondary development of Vissim4.3 is done using C# programming, and a signalized intersection simulation platform under the condition of road and road coordination is constructed. The experiment selects a typical intersection to simulate and compares the average travel time, average delay and other parameters of the vehicle under the condition of timing control under the condition of Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System, and validates the effectiveness of the vehicle speed guiding model.

Key Words:CVIS;Information Demand;Intersection Function Zone;Road Side Unit; Speed Guide

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2目的和意义 1

1.3国内外现状研究 1

1.3.1车路协同条件下交通流优化研究 1

1.3.2车路协同条件下的信号交叉口车辆引导相关研究 2

1.4研究方法与内容 4

1.4.1研究内容 4

1.4.2研究方法 4

1.4.3技术路线 4

1.4.4论文章节安排 5

1.5 本章小结 6

第二章 车路协同条件下交叉口协同系统特性分析 7

2.1车路协同系统概述 7

2.1.1智能车载系统 7

2.1.2智能路侧系统 9

2.1.3车车/车路通信技术 11

2.2车路协同条件下交叉口信息系统分析 12

2.2.1车路协同条件下交叉口驾驶特性分析 12

2.2.2车路协同条件下交叉口驾驶需求分析 12

2.3本章小结 15

第三章 车路协同交叉口功能区问题研究 17

3.1车路协同条件下交叉口功能区划分 17

3.1.1交叉口功能区界定 17

3.2交叉口功能区路侧传感器部署问题研究 23

3.2.1交叉口功能区路侧传感器部署方法 24

3.3交叉口功能区路侧传感器部署方案 25

3.4本章小结 27

第四章 车路协同条件下的交叉口控制模型 28

4.1车路协同下交叉口车辆状态分析 28

4.2车路协调条件下车速引导安全距离分析 28

4.3车路协同条件下的车速引导模型 29

4.4本章小结 33

第五章 车路协同条件下交叉口控制仿真 34

5.1车路协同条件下交叉口控制仿真实验环境 34

5.2车路协同条件下交叉口控制仿真仿真实验设计 35

5.2.1实验对象设计 35

5.2.2实验方案设计 36

5.3实验结果分析 37

5.4本章小结 39

第6章 结论与展望 40

6.1 全文总结 40

6.2 创新点 40

6.3 不足与展望 40

参考文献 42

致 谢 44

第一章 绪论






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