2021-04-14 21:14:19
摘 要
In project system research and practice, the deviation of project objectives has always been a concern of scholars. Between a relatively stable project operation mechanism and an ever-evolving project operation state, the equilibrium of the overall project structure and the game of interest between the participating entities have always existed. Under the interaction between equilibrium and game, the logical process of deviation of project objectives is the study of this article. The problem. This paper takes structural functionalism as a blueprint, combines the operating mechanism and development process of the project system, proposes a “structure-process” analysis paradigm, and seeks the interaction mechanism between project participants’ main structure and actions through the intermediate links of project progress. Explore the logic of project deviation or anomie, and achieve the combination of theory and experience.
Through the empirical research of the charity "Sunshine Class" project, we found that under the framework of the project structure, there is a multi-party game of target-action among the participating entities. Such games and conflicts exist within the framework of structural order and are under different developments. At the stage, when the small target of the participating parties does not affect the macro goals of the project, due to the differentiation of the actions of the participating entities and the memory structure, the brand shaping and interest compromise, the influence of the power and responsibility relationship, and the collusion behavior among the participating entities are generated to some extent. The deviation of the project's objectives is affected, and the tension between the process and the structure acquiesces to the behavior of “deviation”, so as to maintain the balance of the entire project, that is, a “reasonable” project goal deviation.
Key Words: Project system; Goal deviation; Structure-process
目 录
第1章 问题的提出 1
第2章 文献综述与研究框架 2
2.1 项目制的运作模式及存在问题 2
2.1.1 项目制的运作机制 2
2.1.2 项目制运作存在的问题 2
2.2 项目目标偏离的表现及内在逻辑 3
2.2.1 项目目标偏离的表现 3
2.2.2 项目目标偏离的逻辑分析 4
2.3 文献评述 5
2.4 项目运作的“结构—过程”分析框架 5
第3章 慈善“阳光班”项目发展现状 7
3.1 慈善“阳光班”项目运作管理机制 7
3.1.1 项目发起背景 7
3.1.2 慈善“阳光班”项目规则 7
3.1.3 慈善“阳光班”管理机制 8
3.2 慈善“阳光班”筹资办班现状 9
3.2.1 慈善“阳光班”筹款与资助现状 9
3.2.2 慈善“阳光班”区域分布 10
3.2.3 慈善“阳光班”项目成效与问题 11
第4章 “结构-过程”框架下的慈善“阳光班”项目目标偏离逻辑 12
4.1 慈善“阳光班”项目参与结构 12
4.2 慈善“阳光班”项目过程目标 12
4.3 “结构-过程”下各主体的博弈与妥协 14
4.3.1 项目参与主体结构与项目规则的制定 14
4.3.2 项目执行中主体行动与利益结构分化 15
4.3.3 参与主体的结构与项目发展过程互相依存 16
第5章 结论与讨论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
第1章 问题的提出
德国学者米歇尔斯 (Michels,1968)在20世纪初提出了“目标替代”(goal displacement)的概念,用来描述欧洲国家的劳工组织以及一些社会主义党派组织等团体在实际运作过程中,由于实践中的多种原因,做出与原有目标不一致的选择,甚至出现了背离原有目标的情形。 [[2]]。与此同时,韦伯(Weber,1946)也指出,在组织中,科层制因其职责分明、规章统一等特点,被许多组织采纳以便于实现组织目标;与此同时,在科层制框架下的组织在运作过程中可能因为种种原因,演化成以自我生存为目标的生命体,而非致力于实现最初确定的目标[[3]]。
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