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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:10:44  

摘 要

我国当前车辆碰撞事故高发。而随着全球社会进入网络信息时代,汽车电子技术也随之快速发展,现如今汽车电子产品在每辆汽车的总体制造比例普遍已达到了23%至30%甚至更高,汽车电子控制单元(ECU)作为其核心是整个汽车电子产品与汽车的安全性能之关键所在,ECU的安全性与可靠性便直接与车辆的碰撞交通事故产生关联。而在电子控制单元这一机电产品的生产与测试过程中,半物理仿真技术(HILS,Hardware-In -Loop Simulation)在其可靠性与安全性测试方面日益成为非常重要的一项技术手段。本文便提出基于模型的电控单元可靠性测试方法。主要包括以下内容:



学习并应用NI Veristand软件与PXIe设备完成半物理仿真系统中硬件的仿真模块搭建与运用


关键词:半物理仿真技术(HILS);电控单元可靠性;Matlab/Simulink;NI Veristand软件与PXIe设备;滑膜机电控单元


The current vehicle collision traffic accident has many characteristics. With the global society entering the era of network information, automotive electronic technology has also developed rapidly. Nowadays, the total manufacturing ratio of automotive electronics in each vehicle has generally reached 23% to 30% or even higher. The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is the key to the safety performance of the entire automotive electronics and automotive. The safety and reliability of the ECU are directly related to the collision traffic accident of the vehicle. In the production and testing process of electronic control unit, electromechanical products (HILS, Hardware-In-Loop Simulation) is becoming a very important technical means in its reliability and safety testing. This paper proposes a model-based reliability test method for electronic control units. It mainly includes the following contents:

Understand the current status of reliability and safety testing methods for automotive electronic control units, familiarize with the semi-physical simulation technology and application of automotive electronic control units, and start from the current simulation technology of mechanical and electrical products control systems, highlighting the characteristics of semi-physical simulation technology in system simulation technology. advantage

Analyze the modeling software Matlab/Simulink in HILS and learn its application. It can use Simulink in the modeling process and smoothly build the applicable model in the system to realize the software modeling of semi-physical simulation (HILS).

Learn and apply NI Veristand software and PXIe equipment to complete the simulation module construction and application of hardware in semi-physical simulation system

Reliability analysis test of membrane electrical control unit using semi-physical simulation model

Keywords: semi-physical simulation technology (HILS); electronic control unit reliability; Matlab/Simulink; NI Veristand software and PXIe equipment; membrane electrical control unit

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的目的 1

1.2国内外研究概况 1

1.2.1半物理仿真技术国内外研究概况 1

1.2.2汽车可靠性安全性测试方法国内外研究概况 3

1.3主要研究内容与组织结构 5

1.3.1主要研究内容 5

1.3.2组织结构 5

第2章 HILS特点分析 7

2.1系统仿真技术的发展背景 7

2.2系统仿真发展现状与研究成果 7

2.3HILS的特点与发展现状 9

第3章 HILS建模软件与设备 13

3.1基于Matlab/Simulink的HILS 13

3.1.1 Matlab/Simulink概述 13

3.1.2 Simulink的应用特点 13

3.2 NI Veristand与PXIe概述 15

第4章 平衡自控HILS系统设计 21

4.1滑膜机电控单元概述 21

4.2平衡自控HILS系统 22

第5章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 28

第1章 绪论


根据《道路交通运输报告)》的数据统计,我国万车死亡率近年来持续走高,远高于日韩及欧洲各国,并且数据显示世界范围内汽车驾乘人员交通死亡占比31%。当前我国当前车辆碰撞事故高发。而随着全球社会进入网络信息时代,汽车电子技术也随之快速发展,现如今汽车电子产品在每辆汽车的总体制造比例普遍已达到了23%至30%甚至更高,汽车电子控制单元(ECU, Electronic Control Unit)作为整个汽车电子产品与汽车的安全性能之关键所在,ECU的安全性与可靠性便直接与车辆的碰撞交通事故产生关联。

因此本文针对汽车电子控制单元的高可靠性与高安全性提出了分析模型。熟悉硬件在环与半物理仿真技术及方法将首先分析国内外对汽车电控单元可靠性与安全性测试研究现状,并主要针对半物理仿真技术与硬件在环进行分析学习,熟悉其原理与方法。然后学习Matlab/Simulink建模,通过Matlab/Simulink模型结合NI Veristand软件与PXIe设备,设计出针对膜机坡度电控单元的可靠性仿真测试系统,通过半物理仿真技术与硬件在环技术对膜机坡度电控单元进行可靠性与安全性测试。

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