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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-04-04 23:52:49  

摘 要







With the rapid development of China's economy,a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs gradually increase their capital needs, and the traditional banking system cannot fully meet their needs. Equity-based crowdfunding is a new type of financial model that integrates the financial industry with Internet technology and provides a alternative source of financing for thousands of entrepreneurs, but it still faces many risks in the process of its development. In addition, the number of equity-based crowdfunding platforms in China dropped sharply in 2018, and a large number of non-benign equity-based crowdfunding platforms withdrew from the market. Based on this situation, it is urgent to explore the root causes of obstacles in the development of equity-based crowdfunding industry.

Firstly, this paper reviews relevant literature of domestic and foreign scholars and summarizes the development status, existing risks and preventive measures of equity-based crowdfunding. Secondly, through the analysis of the development scale and operation mode of China's equity-based crowdfunding platforms, the author has a clear understanding of the present situation of the development of the equity-based crowdfunding industry in China. And this paper also explores the risks of equity-based crowdfunding in China from the perspective of the participants in the process of equity-based crowdfunding.

This paper innovatively selects the‘Jiabang New Materials’project of Zhongtoubang as the object of case analysis, hoping to explore the risks from investors, crowdfunding platforms and financiers through the crowdfunding process of this equity-based crowdfunding project. This paper also summarizes the general problems exposed in the process of equity-based crowdfunding such as imperfect platform auditing mechanism, weak platform self-discipline, and imperfect government regulatory system.

Based on the above analysis, the paper puts forward the risk prevention measures and suggestions from the perspective of the investors, the equity-based crowdfunding platforms, the financiers and the government. For example, investors should improve their financial literacy, and equity-based crowdfunding platforms should improve their own auditing system, financiers should strictly fulfill the obligation of information disclosure and some government departments should improve relevant laws and regulations.

Key Words: Equity-based Crowdfunding; Operation Mode; Risk Analysis; Zhong Toubang platform

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 股权众筹发展状况 2

1.2.2 股权众筹存在问题及相关风险 2

1.2.3 股权众筹相关问题的建议 3

1.3 研究框架和研究方法 3

1.3.1 研究框架 3

1.3.2 研究方法 4

1.4 创新点和不足 4

第2章 我国股权众筹发展状况及风险分析 5

2.1 股权众筹发展状况 5

2.1.1 发展规模 5

2.1.2 运营模式 7

2.2我国股权众筹的风险分析 8

2.2.1 投资者风险 8

2.2.2 股权众筹平台风险 9

2.2.3 融资者风险 10

第3章 股权众筹风险的案例分析 12

3.1 众投邦佳邦新材料项目案例简介 12

3.2 众投邦佳邦新材料项目风险分析 13

3.2.1 来自融资者的风险 13

3.2.2 来自平台方的风险 14

3.2.3 来自投资者的风险 15

3.3 众投邦佳邦新材料项目案例启示 15

3.3.1 审核机制不完善 16

3.3.2 监管体系不健全 16

3.3.3 行业自律待加强 16

第4章 股权众筹的风险防范措施 18

4.1 投资者角度 18

4.1.1 提高自身金融素养 18

4.1.2 建立专业领投制度 18

4.2 股权众筹平台角度 18

4.2.1 完善平台审核制度 18

4.2.2 建立项目估值机制 19

4.2.3 保障退出渠道通畅 19

4.3 融资者角度 19

4.4 政府角度 20

4.4.1 完善法律及监管体系 20

4.4.2 健全信息披露制度 20

4.4.3 建立完善的征信体系 20

第5章 结语 22

5.1 研究结论 22

5.2 展望 22

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景



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