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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 编辑出版学 > 正文


 2021-03-14 21:37:01  

摘 要








Intellectual property is the core assets of cultural industry, the copyright is the soul of the culture industry. This paper will take the full copyright as the breakthrough point and discusses the operation mode and its influence on the development of the cultural industry in our country.

There is a deep connection between the cultural industry and the whole copyright operation. In economic terms, the added value of copyright industries is rising steadily, the copyright industry leading industry status situation of social employment copyright drive the cultural industry to create a powerful economic value; In cultural terms, the full copyright operation stimulates the vitality of cultural innovation, meets the cultural needs of the diversity of the masses, and promotes the soft power of national culture.

This article explore the two cases about full copyright operating model. One is the network literature copyright operation of China Reading Limited who mainly used for online derivatives, another is the full copyright of Disney who used for offline derivatives. Contrast found that, although our country has already formed a relatively mature industrial chain network literature, but the comprehensive operation of copyright is inaccurate, especially for offline derivative, and Disney company in the full copyright operation, offline derived a bonanza for its profits. Therefore, this article puts forward the online and offline derived phase combined with full copyright operating model, and according to the situation of full copyright market in China, copyright industry chain mainly flow online to offline.

The problem of the full copyright operation cannot be ignored. This paper puts forward three problems about full copyright: "star IP" is bells and whistles, there is less operating income source , Infringement determination is difficult. Then this article puts forward three solution about the problem of full copyright: the content is most important, cross-border cooperation, and improve the mechanism of copyright protection.

The value-added of the copyright industry keeps optimistic growth trends, "speed growth type" will be changed to "efficiency growth was" in the future. Using of copyright will be shifted from quantity growth to quality growth. Exploring a more reasonable full copyright operation mode will also be a matter of cultural industry development.

Key Words: culture industry; full copyright; operation mode

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究对象 1

1.3研究目的及研究意义 1

1.4研究文献综述 2

1.5研究内容和研究方法 3

1.5.1研究内容 3

1.5.2研究方法 3

1.6研究创新点 3

第2章 文化产业与全版权运营概述 5

2.1相关概念界定 5

2.1.1文化产业的定义 5

2.1.2全版权运营的概念界定 6

2.2国内全版权运营概况 6

2.2.1国内全版权运营以网络文学为改编起点 6

2.2.2国内全版权运营以线上衍生为主 7

第3章 全版权运营对文化产业发展的意义 8

3.1全版权运营对文化产业发展的经济意义 8

3.1.1版权产业行业增加值稳步提升 8

3.1.2版权产业带动社会就业 9

3.2全版权运营对文化产业发展的文化意义 10

3.2.1激发行业文化创新活力 10

3.2.2满足群众多样化的文化需求 10

3.2.3提升国家文化软实力 11

第4章 全版权运营模式探寻 12

4.1腾讯的全版权运营生态 12

4.1.1阅文集团的网络文学全版权运营模式 12

4.1.2腾讯“文、游、漫、影、竞”五位一体的泛娱乐产业生态 14

4.2迪士尼全版权运营模式对我国的启示 15

4.2.1以精品内容为核心 15

4.2.2以版权保护为重点 15

4.2.3以自有部门联动为手段 16

4.3国内全版权运营模式新趋势 16

第5章 全版权运营中存在的问题 17

5.1“明星IP”华而不实 17

5.2运营收入来源单一,核心版权增值难 17

5.3责任主体混乱,侵权判定难度大 17

第6章 文化产业发展中全版权运营的对策 19

6.1内容为王,精耕细作 19

6.2跨界合作,版权增值 19

6.3健全版权保护机制 20

6.3.1提高行业版权保护意识 20

6.3.2加大侵权赔偿力度,明确侵权连带责任 20

6.3.2培养复合型版权侵权判定人才 20

结 论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论





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