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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 教育技术学 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:24:54  

摘 要





The purpose of educational game software is education and the means of educational game software is game. Educational game software combine knowledge with entertainment,achieved the idea of " achieve the idea of ". But, as for college students, how much they know about educational game software and how much they use educational game software. The survey of these problems can provide an important reference for the practical application and development of educational game software in higher education.

This paper takes the survey, field interviews empirical research model, Wuhan University of Technology conducted a sample survey of students. This paper is mainly from several aspects to design the questionnaire ,including “the college students' cognitive level of the educational game software ”, ” the attitude of college students to educational game software”, ”the influence of different factors on educational game software” and “the expectation of college students to educational game software”. Finally, this paper cfccombined with interview content for data analysis. It can be seen that educational game software is not widely used among college students and many college students are not familiar with it, and even have a negative attitude, they think that the existing educational game software game have many problems such as the form of game is single, the combination of educational elements and game elements is not reasonable and learning evaluation system is not perfect etc. Students generally want the educational game software with the simulated reality environment as background, through the way combined with the team work and do alone to complete the learning task (game) and can give some game rewards , such as real rewards and status level rewards. Finally, based on the current situation, some suggestions are put forward, which can provide some guidance for the development and application of educational game software in higher education field

Key Words:educational game software;college students;questionnaire investigation;statistical analysis.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 拟采用的研究方法及具体措施 2

第2章 教育游戏软件概述 4

2.1 教育游戏软件界定 4

2.2 教育游戏软件的功能 4

2.3 大学生教育游戏软件简介 5

2.3.1 益智类教育游戏软件 5

2.3.1 策略类教育游戏软件 5

第3章 大学生教育游戏软件应用现状研究设计 7

3.1 调查问卷的设计 7

3.1.1 调查目的 7

3.1.2 调查对象 7

3.1.3调查问卷的结构 7

3.1.4 调查问卷问题的设计 7

3.2 访谈问题的设计 9

3.3 研究的实施 9

3.3.1 问卷的信度分析 9

3.3.2 问卷的效度分析 10

3.3.3 问卷的发放 15

3.3.4 访谈的进行 15

第4章 大学生应用教育游戏软件现状的数据分析 16

4.1 调查问卷数据的统计分析 16

4.1.1 基本数据 16

4.1.2 大学生应用教育游戏软件现状数据 16

4.1.3 年级与接触教育游戏软件程度的显著性分析 23

4.1.4性别与接触教育游戏软件程度关系的分析 24

4.2 访谈材料的分析 26

4.3 调查结论 27

第5章 大学生应用教育游戏软件现状的启示 29

第6章 结论 31

参考文献 32

附 录 33

致 谢 36

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义



1.2 国内外研究现状

国外发达国家在教育游戏软件领域的研究起步较早。原先人们对游戏的观念只局限于儿童身上,后来发现成人也需要游戏。如今,国外在开发应用于青少年基础教育的游戏软件的同时,也较为注重应用于高等教育领域的教育游戏软件的开发[2]。在过去几年里,许多研究者对电脑教育游戏在自然科学领域、数学领域等各种学科领域中的有效性进行了大量研究,例如在融合网络技术的教育游戏软件研究中,Kiili曾在《Contenet creation challenges and flow experience in educational games : The IT – Emperor case》这一研究中提出,基于网络的教育游戏的流体验对学习产生积极的影响[3]

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