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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-06-27 19:36:46  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求



1、交通工程的经济效果的含义及效果测定的必要性分析 2、交通工程的经济效果的分类:直接效果(使用者的便利性分析)和间接效果(辐射) 3、经济效果的分析方法(benifit-cost analysis) 4、国外案例分析 5、我国交通工程的经济效果评价建议


2. 参考文献

1、ReferencesAchillas, Ch., Vlachokostas, Ch., Moussiopoulos, N., Banias, G., 2011. Prioritizestrategies to confront environmental deterioration in urban areas: multicriteriaassessment of public opinion and experts#8217; views. Cities 5, 414#8211;423. 2、Arrow, K., Solow, R., Portney, P., Leamer, E., Radner, R., Schuman, H., 1993. Reportof the NOAA Panel on Contingent Valuation. National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration, US Department of Commerce, Washington DC.Bernath, K., 3、Roschewitz, A., 2008. Recreational benefits of urban forests: explainingvisitors#8217; willingness to pay in the context of the theory of planned behavior. J.Environ. Manage. 89 (3), 155#8211;166. 4、Breffle, W.S., Morey, E.R., Lodder, T.S., 1998. Using contingent valuation to estimatea neighbourhood#8217;s willingness to pay to preserve undeveloped urban land.Urban Stud. 35 (4), 715#8211;727. 5、Brown, A.I., 2003. Increasing the utility of urban environmental qualityinformation. Lands. Urban Plann. 65 (1#8211;2), 85#8211;93.Bullock, 6、Czembrowski, P., Kronenberg, J., 2016. Hedonic pricing and different urban greenspace types and sizes: insights into the discussion on valuing ecosystemservices. Lands. Urban Plann. 146, 11#8211;19. 7、Cervero, R., 2009. TOD and carsharing: a natural marriage. University of California Transportation Center, Working Paper. University of California Transportation 8、de Lorimier,A.,El-Geneidy,A.M.,2013.Understanding the factors affecting vehicle usage and availability in carsharing networks:a case study of commun auto carsharing system from montral, canada.Int.J.Sustain. Transp.7(1),35#8211;51. 9、夏凯旋,何明升,张华. 北京市发展汽车共享服务的经济生态效率及其可行性研究[J]. 中国软科 学,2006,(12):64-70. 10、 薛跃,杨同宇,温素彬. 汽车共享消费的发展模式及社会经济特性分析[J]. 技术经济与管理研究,2008,(01):54-58.

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