2020-06-17 21:44:28
摘 要
DFT study of Fe/Cu core-shell nanoparticles: Stability, catalytic activity, electric and magnetic properties
In this work, the geometrical structure, thermodynamic stability, chemical activity, electronic and magnetic properties of the 13- and 55-atom Cu, Fe and Fe/Cu core-shell particles were systematically studied using DFT calculations. Compared to the monometallic particles, the change in the geometry structures of the 13-atoms core-shell particles is negligible, while the changes of the 55-atoms core-shell particles are bigger. The total and excess energies show that the Fe atoms prefer to assemble in core region, while the Cu atoms prefer to segregate to the surface-shell for the bimetallic Cu/Fe core-shell particles. Thereby, the Fe@Cu particles with a complete Cu surface-shell have the highest thermodynamic stability. Bander charge analysis shows that no matter what geometrical structure is, charge always transfers from Fe to Cu. Furthermore, the d-band states shows only Fe@Cu12 has the higher cheimical activity than the monometallic Cu13. However, other Fe/Cu core-shell nanoparticles have lower chemical activity with the monometallic ones. The results of PDOS show that the Cu, Fe, and Fe/Cu core-shell 13- and 55-atom particles are metallic and ferromagnetic, except that the Cu55 particle is metallic and nonmagnetic. The Fe-rich core-shell particles with display higher total magnetic moment than Cu-rich ones. Furthermore, the magnetic properties of these core-shell particles depend strongly on the size, geometric structure, and composition, and so on.
Our findings provide useful insights for the design of bimetallic catalysts.
Keywords: DFT; Fe/Cu; core-shell nanoparticles; excess energy; PDOS
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 文献综述 6
1.1 核壳纳米粒子和金属核壳纳米粒子 6
1.2 金属核壳纳米粒子的性质 6
1.2.1 幻数 6
1.2.2 电荷分布: 7
1.2.3 研究进展 7
1.3 Fe/Cu 核壳合金 8
1.4 本论文主要工作 8
第二章 理论基础和计算方法 9
2.1密度泛函理论 (Density Functional Theory,DFT) 10
2.1.1 Hohenberg-Kohn定理 10
2.1.2 Kohn-Sham 方法 11
2.1.3 赝势平面波函数 12
2.1.4投影缀加波方法(Projector-augmented wave, PAW) 12
2.1.5局域密度近似 (Local Density Approximate, LDA) 13
2.1.6广义梯度近似 (General Gradient Approximate, GGA) 13
2.2主要计算软件VASP简介 14
第三章 计算模型和方法 14
3.1 建立Cu、Fe和Fe/Cu核壳结构合金模型 14
3.2 数据计算 16
3.2.1 几何结构优化 16
3.2.2 电荷迁移: 18
3.2.3 电子态密度(DOS) 18
第四章 结果与讨论 20
4.1 结构参数 20
4.1.1 纯Cu与纯Fe核壳粒子结构参数 20
4.1.2 Fe/Cu合金的结构参数 22
4.2. Fe/Cu核壳粒子的稳定性 24
4.3 电荷转移和化学活性 25
4.4 电子态密度及磁学结构 28
4.4.1 13原子核壳粒子电子态密度: 29
4.4.2 55原子核壳粒子体系: 29
第五章结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢 35
- 文献综述
1.1 (金属)核壳纳米粒子
核壳纳米粒子(Core-shell nanopaticles)是纳米级材料的一种,有许多独特的性质,也在催化、生物学、材料化学和传感器等领域有所应用。与组成它们的单种金属的体材料相比,核壳纳米粒子的几何结构更加多样[1]。通过仔细调整CSNs的内核与外壳层的组成,形状,可以调整它们的性质,以适应不同的要求。核壳纳米粒子可以在催化、电催化中有所帮助,比如氧化、还原和偶联反应等[2]。
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