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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:13:13  

摘 要

在工业4.0背景下和人工智能发展迅速的今天,室外移动机器人在军工、农业、工业等领域有着广阔的市场前景。无人驾驶汽车的出现更是推动了移动机器人的发展,但是在室外环境中,由于一些建筑物的遮挡和天气原因会导致车辆定位信号丢失或产生抖动,从而不能够使机器人按照预定的想法到达目的地。本文针对智能移动机器人在室外环境下的精确定位中GPS(Global Positioning System)信号的不稳定和抖动现象,研究了移动机器人人的自主导航避障问题。


其次,研究了GPS定位时产生误差的三方面主要因素:卫星钟差、星历误差、电离层误差、对流层误差;传播延迟导致的误差;各用户接收机固有的误差,为减少或消除此误差,采用DGPS(Differential Global Positioning System)进行定位,进一步研究其基本原理和主要类型,发现在室外环境下RTK(Real-time Kinematic)接收器的信号仍有抖动,提出基于事件触发的卡尔曼滤波算法来进一步对定位信号进行处理,卡尔曼滤波减少RTK信号的抖动,得到移动机器人位置信息的最优估计值,同时基于事件触发的机制又减少卡尔曼滤波算法的迭代次数,优化算法。

然后,在滤波信号的基础上展开对导航路径的研究:基于机器人自身硬件设备建立栅格环境地图,接着分别从局部导航和全局导航算法两个方面介绍了DWA(Dynamic Window Approach)和A*算法,研究和分析算法原理,提出了DWA-A*混合导航算法,兼顾移动机器人的运动学性能和全局最优特性。

最后,在MATLAB软件利用ROS(Robot Operating System)仿真GPS和IMU(Inertial Measurement)数据对基于事件触发的卡尔曼滤波算法进行仿真,得到了比较稳定和精确度为厘米级的定位信号,同时对DWA算法仿真,得到了最优的参数组合为:( 0.01, 0,);接着在ROS平台上利用可视化软件Rviz,和仿真软件Stageros对机器人路径规划,得到比较平滑的导航路径,验证了算法的可行性。在文末对本文进行了总结,并对下一步工作进行了展望。

关键词:室外机器人定位;基于事件的KF(Kalman Filter);路径规划;


Under the background of Industry 4.0 and the rapid development of artificial intelligence, outdoor mobile robots have broad market prospects in military industry, agriculture, industry and other fields. The emergence of driverless cars has promoted the development of mobile robots. However, in the outdoor environment, due to the shelter of some buildings and the weather, the vehicle positioning signal will be lost or jittery, so that the robot cannot be reached according to the predetermined idea. destination. In this paper, the problem of GPS (Global Positioning System) signal instability and jitter in the precise positioning of intelligent mobile robots in outdoor environments is studied.

First, this article introduces the research purpose and significance of the subject, analyzes the research status of mobile robot positioning and navigation at home and abroad, and briefly explains the main work of each chapter of the paper.

Secondly, the three main factors that cause errors in GPS positioning are studied: satellite clock error, ephemeris error, ionospheric error, tropospheric error; error caused by propagation delay; the inherent error of each user receiver, in order to reduce or eliminate this error , Adopt DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) for positioning, further study its basic principles and main types, find that the signal of RTK (Real-time Kinematic) receiver still has jitter in outdoor environment, and propose an event-triggered Kalman filter algorithm To further process the positioning signal, Kalman filtering reduces the jitter of the RTK signal to obtain the optimal estimate of the position information of the mobile robot. At the same time, the event-based mechanism reduces the number of iterations of the Kalman filtering algorithm and optimizes the algorithm.

Then, based on the filtered signal, the research on the navigation path is carried out: the grid environment map is established based on the robot's own hardware equipment, and then the DWA (Dynamic Window Approach) and A* algorithms are introduced from the two aspects of local navigation and global navigation algorithms. To study and analyze the principle of the algorithm, a DWA-A* hybrid navigation algorithm is proposed, which takes into account the kinematic performance and global optimal characteristics of the mobile robot.

Finally, the MATLAB software uses ROS (Robot Operating System) to simulate GPS and IMU (Inertial Measurement) data to simulate the Kalman filter algorithm based on event triggering, and obtains relatively stable and accurate centimeter-level positioning signals. Through algorithm simulation, the optimal parameter combination is obtained: ( 0.01, 0,); Then, on the ROS platform, use the visualization software Rviz and the simulation software Stageros to plan the robot path, get a smoother navigation path, and verify The feasibility of the algorithm. At the end of the article, the article is summarized and the next step is prospected.

Key Words:Outdoor robot positioning; event-based KF(Kalman Filter); path planning


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 GPS定位研究现状 2

1.2.2智能小车室外导航研究现状 4

1.3 本文主要工作和文章结构 4

第2章 差分GPS定位技术研究 6

2.1 差分GPS原理介绍 6

2.2 卡尔曼滤波算法 7

2.2.1卡尔曼滤波算法模型 7

2.2.2基于事件的卡尔曼滤波器 11

2.3 本章小结 13

第3章 机器人自主导航技术研究 14

3.1栅格地图的构建 14

3.2局部路径规划DWA算法原理 14

3.2.1机器人运动模型构建 14

3.2.2机器人运动速度控制 15

3.2.3轨迹评价函数 16

3.2.4轨迹评价函数参数分析 18

3.3全局路径规划A*算法原理 20

3.4自主导航算法原理 25

3.5本章小结 25

第4章 定位与导航综合研究与仿真 27

4.1综合算法介绍 27

4.2实验仿真 27

4.2.1 卡尔曼滤波仿真 28

4.2.2 路径规划算法仿真 30

4.3本章小结 32

第5章 总结与展望 33

5.1 全文工作总结 33

5.2 不足与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 35

附录 36

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究目的和意义



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